[PloneDavis-Discuss] PloneEdu hangout!
Ang, Trish
2013-09-10 21:32:07 UTC
How time flies! Looks like there's another PloneEdu hangout tomorrow. Here're the details. Log on early otherwise you'll be kicked to the "standing room only" YouTube viewing! I'll send out the Hangout link when it's announced tomorrow morning. :)

Hi everyone - thank you for adding your topic suggestions to the Pirate Pad at http://piratepad.net/TArS4ks2sP

One brief announcement: the PloneEdu site will be moving shortly to new servers, with a new look and refreshed content.

For tomorrow's (Wed Sept 11) hangout at 10:30 am Pacific Time we are proposing:

- to talk about & demo plone.app.toolbar briefly

- Luke Scorcio and John Hren from UW Oshkosh will demo the basics of how to build a workflow application entirely through the web, consisting of

* a PloneFormGen form

* the uwosh.pfg.d2c ("D2C") magical product that turns a form submission into a fully fledged Plone content type, and

* plone.app.workflow manager, the friendly way to build and modify custom workflows

We are rolling out these workflow applications to academic and administrative units across our campus as part of our ongoing Intranet project. We hope to show you how easy it is to build these and how useful they are at replacing and enhancing paper-based forms and processes!

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Ang, Trish
2013-09-11 17:16:31 UTC
The hangout URL will be posted soon at: https://plus.google.com/100299415171089045818/posts/FCuhgdG1Q2C ! See y'all online. :)

From: <Ang>, "Ang, Trish" <pgang at ucdavis.edu<mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu>>
Reply-To: Zope/Plone Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Date: Tuesday, September 10, 2013 2:32 PM
To: Zope/Plone Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Cc: Calvin Doval <cydoval at mac.com<mailto:cydoval at mac.com>>
Subject: [PloneDavis-Discuss] PloneEdu hangout!

How time flies! Looks like there's another PloneEdu hangout tomorrow. Here're the details. Log on early otherwise you'll be kicked to the "standing room only" YouTube viewing! I'll send out the Hangout link when it's announced tomorrow morning. :)

Hi everyone - thank you for adding your topic suggestions to the Pirate Pad at http://piratepad.net/TArS4ks2sP

One brief announcement: the PloneEdu site will be moving shortly to new servers, with a new look and refreshed content.

For tomorrow's (Wed Sept 11) hangout at 10:30 am Pacific Time we are proposing:

- to talk about & demo plone.app.toolbar briefly

- Luke Scorcio and John Hren from UW Oshkosh will demo the basics of how to build a workflow application entirely through the web, consisting of

* a PloneFormGen form

* the uwosh.pfg.d2c ("D2C") magical product that turns a form submission into a fully fledged Plone content type, and

* plone.app.workflow manager, the friendly way to build and modify custom workflows

We are rolling out these workflow applications to academic and administrative units across our campus as part of our ongoing Intranet project. We hope to show you how easy it is to build these and how useful they are at replacing and enhancing paper-based forms and processes!

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Ang, Trish
2013-09-11 17:22:24 UTC
Jk Here it is! https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/a51b4d449e1c1168ac835fa0fc4ddd72c3bfb85e?authuser=0&hl=en

From: <Ang>, "Ang, Trish" <pgang at ucdavis.edu<mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu>>
Reply-To: Zope/Plone Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Date: Tuesday, September 10, 2013 2:32 PM
To: Zope/Plone Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Cc: Calvin Doval <cydoval at mac.com<mailto:cydoval at mac.com>>
Subject: [PloneDavis-Discuss] PloneEdu hangout!

How time flies! Looks like there's another PloneEdu hangout tomorrow. Here're the details. Log on early otherwise you'll be kicked to the "standing room only" YouTube viewing! I'll send out the Hangout link when it's announced tomorrow morning. :)

Hi everyone - thank you for adding your topic suggestions to the Pirate Pad at http://piratepad.net/TArS4ks2sP

One brief announcement: the PloneEdu site will be moving shortly to new servers, with a new look and refreshed content.

For tomorrow's (Wed Sept 11) hangout at 10:30 am Pacific Time we are proposing:

- to talk about & demo plone.app.toolbar briefly

- Luke Scorcio and John Hren from UW Oshkosh will demo the basics of how to build a workflow application entirely through the web, consisting of

* a PloneFormGen form

* the uwosh.pfg.d2c ("D2C") magical product that turns a form submission into a fully fledged Plone content type, and

* plone.app.workflow manager, the friendly way to build and modify custom workflows

We are rolling out these workflow applications to academic and administrative units across our campus as part of our ongoing Intranet project. We hope to show you how easy it is to build these and how useful they are at replacing and enhancing paper-based forms and processes!

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