[PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme
Ning Wan
2012-06-12 23:28:06 UTC
Hi Trish,
I am still having the same problem. Anyone else tried install this?
Thanks again,

Installing zeoserver.
Created directory /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver
Created directory /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/etc
Created directory /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/var
Created directory /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/log
Created directory /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/bin
Wrote file /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/etc/zeo.conf
Wrote file /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/bin/zeoctl
Changed mode for /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/bin/zeoctl to 755
Wrote file /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/bin/runzeo
Changed mode for /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/bin/runzeo to 755
Generated script '/usr/local/Plone/phevnew/bin/repozo'.
Installing client1.
Couldn't find index page for 'ucdavis.plonetheme' (maybe misspelled?)
Getting distribution for 'ucdavis.plonetheme'.
Installing client1.
Getting distribution for 'ucdavis.plonetheme'.
Error: Couldn't find a distribution for 'ucdavis.plonetheme'.


From: Ang, Trish [mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu]
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2012 1:05 PM
To: Ning Wan
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme

Hi Ning!

Not sure why that is, your buildout.cfg looks correct. I don't know that this will help, but you can try moving ucdavis.plonetheme to the bottom of the eggs and zcml list (I.e. Below Plone/Pillow, etc)..? Do you get any other errors through buildout?


From: "nwan at ucdavis.edu<mailto:nwan at ucdavis.edu>" <nwan at ucdavis.edu<mailto:nwan at ucdavis.edu>>
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2012 16:35:29 -0700
To: Trish Ang <pgang at ucdavis.edu<mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu>>
Subject: RE: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme

[cid:image001.jpg at 01CD48B7.93187100]


From: Ang, Trish [mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2012 4:33 PM
To: Ning Wan
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme

Were you able to download the ucdavis.plonetheme package to your /src folder?


From: "nwan at ucdavis.edu<mailto:nwan at ucdavis.edu>" <nwan at ucdavis.edu<mailto:nwan at ucdavis.edu>>
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2012 16:30:50 -0700
To: Trish Ang <pgang at ucdavis.edu<mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu>>
Subject: RE: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme

Here it is.


From: Ang, Trish [mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2012 4:26 PM
To: Ning Wan
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme

Hi Ning, what does your buildout.cfg look like?


From: "nwan at ucdavis.edu<mailto:nwan at ucdavis.edu>" <nwan at ucdavis.edu<mailto:nwan at ucdavis.edu>>
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2012 16:24:00 -0700
To: Trish Ang <pgang at ucdavis.edu<mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu>>
Subject: RE: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme

Hi Trish,

I encountered this problem. DO you know why?


[cid:image002.jpg at 01CD48B7.93187100]


-----Original Message-----
From: zugod-discuss-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us> [mailto:zugod-discuss-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us] On Behalf Of Ang, Trish
Sent: Monday, June 04, 2012 4:06 PM
To: Zope/Plone Discussion
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme

Hi Ning!

One of them is, although we haven't written up formal instructions yet, I think. They're available on Github here:

https://github.com/feesh/ucdavis.plonetheme and there were four we were working on: the one that actually works is called ucdavis.plonetheme

An example of it live on the web is at http://sociology.ucdavis.edu/

You should be able to install it by downloading the Github package to your /src folder, and then in buildout.cfg putting the lines:

eggs = ucdavis.plonetheme

zcml = ucdavis.plonetheme

Let me know if you run into trouble!


On 6/4/12 10:47 AM, "Ning Wan" <nwanucd at gmail.com<mailto:nwanucd at gmail.com>> wrote:

>HI Trish and Alex,

>I would like to know if the UCD theme is ready for me to install?






>-----Original Message-----

>From: zugod-discuss-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>

>[mailto:zugod-discuss-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us]<mailto:[mailto:zugod-discuss-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us]> On Behalf Of

>zugod-discuss-owner at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss-owner at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>

>Sent: Monday, June 04, 2012 10:38 AM

>To: nwanucd at gmail.com<mailto:nwanucd at gmail.com>

>Subject: RE: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme


>You are not allowed to post to this mailing list, and your message has

>been automatically rejected. If you think that your messages are being

>rejected in error, contact the mailing list owner at

>zugod-discuss-owner at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss-owner at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>.



ZUGOD-Discuss mailing list

ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>

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Steve McMahon
2012-06-12 23:49:49 UTC
If the package is in your src directory, also make sure that you've got a
"develop" entry in the buildout section to point to the source:

develop =

Without that, buildout will try to find the package on pypi.

On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 4:28 PM, Ning Wan <nwan at ucdavis.edu> wrote:

> Hi Trish,****
> I am still having the same problem. Anyone else tried install this?****
> Thanks again,****
> Ning****
> ** **
> ** **
> Installing zeoserver.****
> Created directory /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver****
> Created directory /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/etc****
> Created directory /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/var****
> Created directory /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/log****
> Created directory /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/bin****
> Wrote file /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/etc/zeo.conf****
> Wrote file /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/bin/zeoctl****
> Changed mode for /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/bin/zeoctl to 755
> ****
> Wrote file /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/bin/runzeo****
> Changed mode for /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/bin/runzeo to 755
> ****
> Generated script '/usr/local/Plone/phevnew/bin/repozo'.****
> Installing client1.****
> Couldn't find index page for 'ucdavis.plonetheme' (maybe misspelled?)****
> Getting distribution for 'ucdavis.plonetheme'.****
> While:****
> Installing client1.****
> Getting distribution for 'ucdavis.plonetheme'.****
> Error: Couldn't find a distribution for 'ucdavis.plonetheme'.****
> ** **
> Ning****
> ** **
> *From:* Ang, Trish [mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu]
> *Sent:* Tuesday, June 12, 2012 1:05 PM
> *To:* Ning Wan
> *Subject:* Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme****
> ** **
> Hi Ning!****
> ** **
> Not sure why that is, your buildout.cfg looks correct. I don't know that
> this will help, but you can try moving ucdavis.plonetheme to the bottom of
> the eggs and zcml list (I.e. Below Plone/Pillow, etc)..? Do you get any
> other errors through buildout?****
> ** **
> Trish****
> ** **
> ** **
> *From: *"nwan at ucdavis.edu" <nwan at ucdavis.edu>
> *Date: *Wed, 6 Jun 2012 16:35:29 -0700
> *To: *Trish Ang <pgang at ucdavis.edu>
> *Subject: *RE: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme****
> ** **
> Yes,****
> ****
> ****
> Ning****
> ****
> *From:* Ang, Trish [mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu <pgang at ucdavis.edu>]
> *Sent:* Wednesday, June 06, 2012 4:33 PM
> *To:* Ning Wan
> *Subject:* Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme****
> ****
> Were you able to download the ucdavis.plonetheme package to your /src
> folder?****
> ****
> Trish****
> ****
> *From: *"nwan at ucdavis.edu" <nwan at ucdavis.edu>
> *Date: *Wed, 6 Jun 2012 16:30:50 -0700
> *To: *Trish Ang <pgang at ucdavis.edu>
> *Subject: *RE: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme****
> ****
> Here it is.****
> Thanks,****
> ****
> Ning****
> ****
> *From:* Ang, Trish [mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu <pgang at ucdavis.edu>]
> *Sent:* Wednesday, June 06, 2012 4:26 PM
> *To:* Ning Wan
> *Subject:* Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme****
> ****
> Hi Ning, what does your buildout.cfg look like? ****
> ****
> Trish****
> ****
> ****
> *From: *"nwan at ucdavis.edu" <nwan at ucdavis.edu>
> *Date: *Wed, 6 Jun 2012 16:24:00 -0700
> *To: *Trish Ang <pgang at ucdavis.edu>
> *Subject: *RE: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme****
> ****
> Hi Trish,****
> I encountered this problem. DO you know why?****
> Thanks,****
> ****
> ****
> Ning****
> ****
> -----Original Message-----
> From: zugod-discuss-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us [
> mailto:zugod-discuss-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<zugod-discuss-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>]
> On Behalf Of Ang, Trish
> Sent: Monday, June 04, 2012 4:06 PM
> To: Zope/Plone Discussion
> Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme****
> ****
> Hi Ning!****
> ****
> One of them is, although we haven't written up formal instructions yet, I
> think. They're available on Github here:****
> https://github.com/feesh/ucdavis.plonetheme and there were four we were
> working on: the one that actually works is called ucdavis.plonetheme****
> ****
> An example of it live on the web is at http://sociology.ucdavis.edu/****
> ****
> You should be able to install it by downloading the Github package to your
> /src folder, and then in buildout.cfg putting the lines:****
> ****
> eggs = ucdavis.plonetheme****
> zcml = ucdavis.plonetheme****
> ****
> ****
> Let me know if you run into trouble!****
> Trish****
> ****
> ****
> ****
> ****
> On 6/4/12 10:47 AM, "Ning Wan" <nwanucd at gmail.com> wrote:****
> ****
> >HI Trish and Alex,****
> >I would like to know if the UCD theme is ready for me to install?****
> >Thanks,****
> > ****
> >Ning****
> > ****
> > ****
> >-----Original Message-----****
> >From: zugod-discuss-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us****
> >[mailto:zugod-discuss-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us] On Behalf Of **
> **
> >zugod-discuss-owner at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us****
> >Sent: Monday, June 04, 2012 10:38 AM****
> >To: nwanucd at gmail.com****
> >Subject: RE: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme****
> > ****
> >You are not allowed to post to this mailing list, and your message has **
> **
> >been automatically rejected. If you think that your messages are being *
> ***
> >rejected in error, contact the mailing list owner at ****
> >zugod-discuss-owner at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us.****
> > ****
> ****
> _______________________________________________****
> ZUGOD-Discuss mailing list****
> ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us****
> http://www2.dcn.org/mailman/listinfo/zugod-discuss****
> _______________________________________________
> ZUGOD-Discuss mailing list
> ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us
> http://www2.dcn.org/mailman/listinfo/zugod-discuss
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Ning Wan
2012-06-13 04:32:39 UTC
Thanks Steve!
This solved my problem. I am having new error now.
Here is the error message:

zeoserver: Error: 'Plone' is not a known key name
(line 38 in file:///usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/etc/zeo.conf)
For help, use /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/bin/zeoserver -h
Thanks again,


From: zugod-discuss-bounces+nwan=ucdavis.edu at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us [mailto:zugod-discuss-bounces+nwan=ucdavis.edu at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us] On Behalf Of Steve McMahon
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2012 4:50 PM
To: Zope/Plone Users' Group of Davis Discussion
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme

If the package is in your src directory, also make sure that you've got a "develop" entry in the buildout section to point to the source:

develop =

Without that, buildout will try to find the package on pypi.

On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 4:28 PM, Ning Wan <nwan at ucdavis.edu<mailto:nwan at ucdavis.edu>> wrote:
Hi Trish,
I am still having the same problem. Anyone else tried install this?
Thanks again,

Installing zeoserver.
Created directory /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver
Created directory /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/etc
Created directory /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/var
Created directory /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/log
Created directory /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/bin
Wrote file /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/etc/zeo.conf
Wrote file /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/bin/zeoctl
Changed mode for /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/bin/zeoctl to 755
Wrote file /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/bin/runzeo
Changed mode for /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/bin/runzeo to 755
Generated script '/usr/local/Plone/phevnew/bin/repozo'.
Installing client1.
Couldn't find index page for 'ucdavis.plonetheme' (maybe misspelled?)
Getting distribution for 'ucdavis.plonetheme'.
Installing client1.
Getting distribution for 'ucdavis.plonetheme'.
Error: Couldn't find a distribution for 'ucdavis.plonetheme'.


From: Ang, Trish [mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu<mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu>]
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2012 1:05 PM
To: Ning Wan
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme

Hi Ning!

Not sure why that is, your buildout.cfg looks correct. I don't know that this will help, but you can try moving ucdavis.plonetheme to the bottom of the eggs and zcml list (I.e. Below Plone/Pillow, etc)..? Do you get any other errors through buildout?


From: "nwan at ucdavis.edu<mailto:nwan at ucdavis.edu>" <nwan at ucdavis.edu<mailto:nwan at ucdavis.edu>>
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2012 16:35:29 -0700
To: Trish Ang <pgang at ucdavis.edu<mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu>>
Subject: RE: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme

[cid:image001.jpg at 01CD48E2.E244A250]


From: Ang, Trish [mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2012 4:33 PM
To: Ning Wan
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme

Were you able to download the ucdavis.plonetheme package to your /src folder?


From: "nwan at ucdavis.edu<mailto:nwan at ucdavis.edu>" <nwan at ucdavis.edu<mailto:nwan at ucdavis.edu>>
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2012 16:30:50 -0700
To: Trish Ang <pgang at ucdavis.edu<mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu>>
Subject: RE: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme

Here it is.


From: Ang, Trish [mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2012 4:26 PM
To: Ning Wan
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme

Hi Ning, what does your buildout.cfg look like?


From: "nwan at ucdavis.edu<mailto:nwan at ucdavis.edu>" <nwan at ucdavis.edu<mailto:nwan at ucdavis.edu>>
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2012 16:24:00 -0700
To: Trish Ang <pgang at ucdavis.edu<mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu>>
Subject: RE: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme

Hi Trish,

I encountered this problem. DO you know why?


[cid:image002.jpg at 01CD48E2.E244A250]


-----Original Message-----
From: zugod-discuss-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us> [mailto:zugod-discuss-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us] On Behalf Of Ang, Trish
Sent: Monday, June 04, 2012 4:06 PM
To: Zope/Plone Discussion
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme

Hi Ning!

One of them is, although we haven't written up formal instructions yet, I think. They're available on Github here:

https://github.com/feesh/ucdavis.plonetheme and there were four we were working on: the one that actually works is called ucdavis.plonetheme

An example of it live on the web is at http://sociology.ucdavis.edu/

You should be able to install it by downloading the Github package to your /src folder, and then in buildout.cfg putting the lines:

eggs = ucdavis.plonetheme

zcml = ucdavis.plonetheme

Let me know if you run into trouble!


On 6/4/12 10:47 AM, "Ning Wan" <nwanucd at gmail.com<mailto:nwanucd at gmail.com>> wrote:

>HI Trish and Alex,

>I would like to know if the UCD theme is ready for me to install?






>-----Original Message-----

>From: zugod-discuss-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>

>[mailto:zugod-discuss-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us]<mailto:[mailto:zugod-discuss-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us]> On Behalf Of

>zugod-discuss-owner at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss-owner at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>

>Sent: Monday, June 04, 2012 10:38 AM

>To: nwanucd at gmail.com<mailto:nwanucd at gmail.com>

>Subject: RE: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme


>You are not allowed to post to this mailing list, and your message has

>been automatically rejected. If you think that your messages are being

>rejected in error, contact the mailing list owner at

>zugod-discuss-owner at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss-owner at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>.



ZUGOD-Discuss mailing list

ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>


ZUGOD-Discuss mailing list
ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>

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Ning Wan
2012-06-13 05:57:31 UTC
It worked after I move the eggs= back to before Plone/Pillow.
I rebuilt and restart.
But where is the ucdavis.theme? It is not listed under Plone Configuration?


From: Ning Wan
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2012 9:33 PM
To: 'Zope/Plone Users' Group of Davis Discussion'
Subject: RE: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme

Thanks Steve!
This solved my problem. I am having new error now.
Here is the error message:

zeoserver: Error: 'Plone' is not a known key name
(line 38 in file:///usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/etc/zeo.conf<file:///\\usr\local\Plone\phevnew\parts\zeoserver\etc\zeo.conf>)
For help, use /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/bin/zeoserver -h
Thanks again,


From: zugod-discuss-bounces+nwan=ucdavis.edu at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss-bounces+nwan=ucdavis.edu at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us> [mailto:zugod-discuss-bounces+nwan=ucdavis.edu at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us]<mailto:[mailto:zugod-discuss-bounces+nwan=ucdavis.edu at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us]> On Behalf Of Steve McMahon
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2012 4:50 PM
To: Zope/Plone Users' Group of Davis Discussion
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme

If the package is in your src directory, also make sure that you've got a "develop" entry in the buildout section to point to the source:

develop =

Without that, buildout will try to find the package on pypi.

On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 4:28 PM, Ning Wan <nwan at ucdavis.edu<mailto:nwan at ucdavis.edu>> wrote:
Hi Trish,
I am still having the same problem. Anyone else tried install this?
Thanks again,

Installing zeoserver.
Created directory /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver
Created directory /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/etc
Created directory /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/var
Created directory /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/log
Created directory /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/bin
Wrote file /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/etc/zeo.conf
Wrote file /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/bin/zeoctl
Changed mode for /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/bin/zeoctl to 755
Wrote file /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/bin/runzeo
Changed mode for /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/bin/runzeo to 755
Generated script '/usr/local/Plone/phevnew/bin/repozo'.
Installing client1.
Couldn't find index page for 'ucdavis.plonetheme' (maybe misspelled?)
Getting distribution for 'ucdavis.plonetheme'.
Installing client1.
Getting distribution for 'ucdavis.plonetheme'.
Error: Couldn't find a distribution for 'ucdavis.plonetheme'.


From: Ang, Trish [mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu<mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu>]
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2012 1:05 PM
To: Ning Wan
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme

Hi Ning!

Not sure why that is, your buildout.cfg looks correct. I don't know that this will help, but you can try moving ucdavis.plonetheme to the bottom of the eggs and zcml list (I.e. Below Plone/Pillow, etc)..? Do you get any other errors through buildout?


From: "nwan at ucdavis.edu<mailto:nwan at ucdavis.edu>" <nwan at ucdavis.edu<mailto:nwan at ucdavis.edu>>
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2012 16:35:29 -0700
To: Trish Ang <pgang at ucdavis.edu<mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu>>
Subject: RE: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme

[cid:image001.jpg at 01CD48EE.AEDB33F0]


From: Ang, Trish [mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2012 4:33 PM
To: Ning Wan
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme

Were you able to download the ucdavis.plonetheme package to your /src folder?


From: "nwan at ucdavis.edu<mailto:nwan at ucdavis.edu>" <nwan at ucdavis.edu<mailto:nwan at ucdavis.edu>>
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2012 16:30:50 -0700
To: Trish Ang <pgang at ucdavis.edu<mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu>>
Subject: RE: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme

Here it is.


From: Ang, Trish [mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2012 4:26 PM
To: Ning Wan
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme

Hi Ning, what does your buildout.cfg look like?


From: "nwan at ucdavis.edu<mailto:nwan at ucdavis.edu>" <nwan at ucdavis.edu<mailto:nwan at ucdavis.edu>>
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2012 16:24:00 -0700
To: Trish Ang <pgang at ucdavis.edu<mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu>>
Subject: RE: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme

Hi Trish,

I encountered this problem. DO you know why?


[cid:image002.jpg at 01CD48EE.AEDB33F0]


-----Original Message-----
From: zugod-discuss-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us> [mailto:zugod-discuss-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us] On Behalf Of Ang, Trish
Sent: Monday, June 04, 2012 4:06 PM
To: Zope/Plone Discussion
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme

Hi Ning!

One of them is, although we haven't written up formal instructions yet, I think. They're available on Github here:

https://github.com/feesh/ucdavis.plonetheme and there were four we were working on: the one that actually works is called ucdavis.plonetheme

An example of it live on the web is at http://sociology.ucdavis.edu/

You should be able to install it by downloading the Github package to your /src folder, and then in buildout.cfg putting the lines:

eggs = ucdavis.plonetheme

zcml = ucdavis.plonetheme

Let me know if you run into trouble!


On 6/4/12 10:47 AM, "Ning Wan" <nwanucd at gmail.com<mailto:nwanucd at gmail.com>> wrote:

>HI Trish and Alex,

>I would like to know if the UCD theme is ready for me to install?






>-----Original Message-----

>From: zugod-discuss-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>

>[mailto:zugod-discuss-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us]<mailto:[mailto:zugod-discuss-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us]> On Behalf Of

>zugod-discuss-owner at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss-owner at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>

>Sent: Monday, June 04, 2012 10:38 AM

>To: nwanucd at gmail.com<mailto:nwanucd at gmail.com>

>Subject: RE: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme


>You are not allowed to post to this mailing list, and your message has

>been automatically rejected. If you think that your messages are being

>rejected in error, contact the mailing list owner at

>zugod-discuss-owner at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss-owner at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>.



ZUGOD-Discuss mailing list

ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>


ZUGOD-Discuss mailing list
ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>

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Carol McMasters-Stone
2012-06-13 15:48:27 UTC
Because of the way we packaged that theme, you may need to amend your develop line to be src/ucdavis.plonetheme/ucdavis.plonetheme then you should see it show up in addons.


Sent from my Android phone using TouchDown (www.nitrodesk.com)

-----Original Message-----
From: Ning Wan [nwan at ucdavis.edu]
Received: Tuesday, 12 Jun 2012, 10:58pm
To: 'Zope/Plone Users' Group of Davis Discussion' [zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us]
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme

It worked after I move the eggs= back to before Plone/Pillow.
I rebuilt and restart.
But where is the ucdavis.theme? It is not listed under Plone Configuration?


From: Ning Wan
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2012 9:33 PM
To: 'Zope/Plone Users' Group of Davis Discussion'
Subject: RE: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme

Thanks Steve!
This solved my problem. I am having new error now.
Here is the error message:

zeoserver: Error: 'Plone' is not a known key name
(line 38 in file:///usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/etc/zeo.conf<file:///\\usr\local\Plone\phevnew\parts\zeoserver\etc\zeo.conf>)
For help, use /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/bin/zeoserver -h
Thanks again,


From: zugod-discuss-bounces+nwan=ucdavis.edu at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss-bounces+nwan=ucdavis.edu at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us> [mailto:zugod-discuss-bounces+nwan=ucdavis.edu at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us]<mailto:[mailto:zugod-discuss-bounces+nwan=ucdavis.edu at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us]> On Behalf Of Steve McMahon
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2012 4:50 PM
To: Zope/Plone Users' Group of Davis Discussion
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme

If the package is in your src directory, also make sure that you've got a "develop" entry in the buildout section to point to the source:

develop =

Without that, buildout will try to find the package on pypi.

On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 4:28 PM, Ning Wan <nwan at ucdavis.edu<mailto:nwan at ucdavis.edu>> wrote:
Hi Trish,
I am still having the same problem. Anyone else tried install this?
Thanks again,

Installing zeoserver.
Created directory /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver
Created directory /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/etc
Created directory /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/var
Created directory /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/log
Created directory /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/bin
Wrote file /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/etc/zeo.conf
Wrote file /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/bin/zeoctl
Changed mode for /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/bin/zeoctl to 755
Wrote file /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/bin/runzeo
Changed mode for /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/bin/runzeo to 755
Generated script '/usr/local/Plone/phevnew/bin/repozo'.
Installing client1.
Couldn't find index page for 'ucdavis.plonetheme' (maybe misspelled?)
Getting distribution for 'ucdavis.plonetheme'.
Installing client1.
Getting distribution for 'ucdavis.plonetheme'.
Error: Couldn't find a distribution for 'ucdavis.plonetheme'.


From: Ang, Trish [mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu<mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu>]
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2012 1:05 PM
To: Ning Wan
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme

Hi Ning!

Not sure why that is, your buildout.cfg looks correct. I don't know that this will help, but you can try moving ucdavis.plonetheme to the bottom of the eggs and zcml list (I.e. Below Plone/Pillow, etc)..? Do you get any other errors through buildout?


From: "nwan at ucdavis.edu<mailto:nwan at ucdavis.edu>" <nwan at ucdavis.edu<mailto:nwan at ucdavis.edu>>
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2012 16:35:29 -0700
To: Trish Ang <pgang at ucdavis.edu<mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu>>
Subject: RE: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme

[cid:image001.jpg at 01CD48EE.AEDB33F0]


From: Ang, Trish [mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2012 4:33 PM
To: Ning Wan
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme

Were you able to download the ucdavis.plonetheme package to your /src folder?


From: "nwan at ucdavis.edu<mailto:nwan at ucdavis.edu>" <nwan at ucdavis.edu<mailto:nwan at ucdavis.edu>>
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2012 16:30:50 -0700
To: Trish Ang <pgang at ucdavis.edu<mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu>>
Subject: RE: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme

Here it is.


From: Ang, Trish [mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2012 4:26 PM
To: Ning Wan
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme

Hi Ning, what does your buildout.cfg look like?


From: "nwan at ucdavis.edu<mailto:nwan at ucdavis.edu>" <nwan at ucdavis.edu<mailto:nwan at ucdavis.edu>>
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2012 16:24:00 -0700
To: Trish Ang <pgang at ucdavis.edu<mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu>>
Subject: RE: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme

Hi Trish,

I encountered this problem. DO you know why?


[cid:image002.jpg at 01CD48EE.AEDB33F0]


-----Original Message-----
From: zugod-discuss-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us> [mailto:zugod-discuss-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us] On Behalf Of Ang, Trish
Sent: Monday, June 04, 2012 4:06 PM
To: Zope/Plone Discussion
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme

Hi Ning!

One of them is, although we haven't written up formal instructions yet, I think. They're available on Github here:

https://github.com/feesh/ucdavis.plonetheme and there were four we were working on: the one that actually works is called ucdavis.plonetheme

An example of it live on the web is at http://sociology.ucdavis.edu/

You should be able to install it by downloading the Github package to your /src folder, and then in buildout.cfg putting the lines:

eggs = ucdavis.plonetheme

zcml = ucdavis.plonetheme

Let me know if you run into trouble!


On 6/4/12 10:47 AM, "Ning Wan" <nwanucd at gmail.com<mailto:nwanucd at gmail.com>> wrote:

>HI Trish and Alex,

>I would like to know if the UCD theme is ready for me to install?






>-----Original Message-----

>From: zugod-discuss-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>

>[mailto:zugod-discuss-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us]<mailto:[mailto:zugod-discuss-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us]> On Behalf Of

>zugod-discuss-owner at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss-owner at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>

>Sent: Monday, June 04, 2012 10:38 AM

>To: nwanucd at gmail.com<mailto:nwanucd at gmail.com>

>Subject: RE: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme


>You are not allowed to post to this mailing list, and your message has

>been automatically rejected. If you think that your messages are being

>rejected in error, contact the mailing list owner at

>zugod-discuss-owner at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss-owner at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>.



ZUGOD-Discuss mailing list

ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>


ZUGOD-Discuss mailing list
ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>

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Ning Wan
2012-06-13 17:35:43 UTC
After I change to src/ucdavis.plonetheme/ucdavis.plonetheme.
It gives me this error message. What else that I am missing.

Couldn't develop '/usr/local/Plone/phevnew/src/ucdavis.plonetheme/ucdavis.plonetheme' (not found)
Updating zeoserver.
Updating client1.
Couldn't find index page for 'ucdavis.plonetheme' (maybe misspelled?)
Getting distribution for 'ucdavis.plonetheme'.
Updating client1.
Getting distribution for 'ucdavis.plonetheme'.
Error: Couldn't find a distribution for 'ucdavis.plonetheme'

Thank very much!

From: zugod-discuss-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us [mailto:zugod-discuss-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us] On Behalf Of Carol McMasters-Stone
Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2012 8:48 AM
To: zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme

Because of the way we packaged that theme, you may need to amend your develop line to be src/ucdavis.plonetheme/ucdavis.plonetheme then you should see it show up in addons.


Sent from my Android phone using TouchDown (www.nitrodesk.com<http://www.nitrodesk.com>)

-----Original Message-----
From: Ning Wan [nwan at ucdavis.edu]
Received: Tuesday, 12 Jun 2012, 10:58pm
To: 'Zope/Plone Users' Group of Davis Discussion' [zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us]
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme
It worked after I move the eggs= back to before Plone/Pillow.
I rebuilt and restart.
But where is the ucdavis.theme? It is not listed under Plone Configuration?


From: Ning Wan
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2012 9:33 PM
To: 'Zope/Plone Users' Group of Davis Discussion'
Subject: RE: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme

Thanks Steve!
This solved my problem. I am having new error now.
Here is the error message:

zeoserver: Error: 'Plone' is not a known key name
(line 38 in file:///usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/etc/zeo.conf<file:///\\usr\local\Plone\phevnew\parts\zeoserver\etc\zeo.conf>)
For help, use /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/bin/zeoserver -h
Thanks again,


From: zugod-discuss-bounces+nwan=ucdavis.edu at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss-bounces+nwan=ucdavis.edu at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us> [mailto:zugod-discuss-bounces+nwan=ucdavis.edu at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us]<mailto:[mailto:zugod-discuss-bounces+nwan=ucdavis.edu at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us]> On Behalf Of Steve McMahon
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2012 4:50 PM
To: Zope/Plone Users' Group of Davis Discussion
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme

If the package is in your src directory, also make sure that you've got a "develop" entry in the buildout section to point to the source:

develop =

Without that, buildout will try to find the package on pypi.

On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 4:28 PM, Ning Wan <nwan at ucdavis.edu<mailto:nwan at ucdavis.edu>> wrote:
Hi Trish,
I am still having the same problem. Anyone else tried install this?
Thanks again,

Installing zeoserver.
Created directory /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver
Created directory /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/etc
Created directory /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/var
Created directory /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/log
Created directory /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/bin
Wrote file /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/etc/zeo.conf
Wrote file /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/bin/zeoctl
Changed mode for /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/bin/zeoctl to 755
Wrote file /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/bin/runzeo
Changed mode for /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/bin/runzeo to 755
Generated script '/usr/local/Plone/phevnew/bin/repozo'.
Installing client1.
Couldn't find index page for 'ucdavis.plonetheme' (maybe misspelled?)
Getting distribution for 'ucdavis.plonetheme'.
Installing client1.
Getting distribution for 'ucdavis.plonetheme'.
Error: Couldn't find a distribution for 'ucdavis.plonetheme'.


From: Ang, Trish [mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu<mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu>]
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2012 1:05 PM
To: Ning Wan
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme

Hi Ning!

Not sure why that is, your buildout.cfg looks correct. I don't know that this will help, but you can try moving ucdavis.plonetheme to the bottom of the eggs and zcml list (I.e. Below Plone/Pillow, etc)..? Do you get any other errors through buildout?


From: "nwan at ucdavis.edu<mailto:nwan at ucdavis.edu>" <nwan at ucdavis.edu<mailto:nwan at ucdavis.edu>>
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2012 16:35:29 -0700
To: Trish Ang <pgang at ucdavis.edu<mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu>>
Subject: RE: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme

[cid:image001.jpg at 01CD4950.23664A50]


From: Ang, Trish [mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2012 4:33 PM
To: Ning Wan
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme

Were you able to download the ucdavis.plonetheme package to your /src folder?


From: "nwan at ucdavis.edu<mailto:nwan at ucdavis.edu>" <nwan at ucdavis.edu<mailto:nwan at ucdavis.edu>>
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2012 16:30:50 -0700
To: Trish Ang <pgang at ucdavis.edu<mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu>>
Subject: RE: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme

Here it is.


From: Ang, Trish [mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2012 4:26 PM
To: Ning Wan
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme

Hi Ning, what does your buildout.cfg look like?


From: "nwan at ucdavis.edu<mailto:nwan at ucdavis.edu>" <nwan at ucdavis.edu<mailto:nwan at ucdavis.edu>>
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2012 16:24:00 -0700
To: Trish Ang <pgang at ucdavis.edu<mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu>>
Subject: RE: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme

Hi Trish,

I encountered this problem. DO you know why?


[cid:image002.jpg at 01CD4950.23664A50]


-----Original Message-----
From: zugod-discuss-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us> [mailto:zugod-discuss-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us] On Behalf Of Ang, Trish
Sent: Monday, June 04, 2012 4:06 PM
To: Zope/Plone Discussion
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme

Hi Ning!

One of them is, although we haven't written up formal instructions yet, I think. They're available on Github here:

https://github.com/feesh/ucdavis.plonetheme and there were four we were working on: the one that actually works is called ucdavis.plonetheme

An example of it live on the web is at http://sociology.ucdavis.edu/

You should be able to install it by downloading the Github package to your /src folder, and then in buildout.cfg putting the lines:

eggs = ucdavis.plonetheme

zcml = ucdavis.plonetheme

Let me know if you run into trouble!


On 6/4/12 10:47 AM, "Ning Wan" <nwanucd at gmail.com<mailto:nwanucd at gmail.com>> wrote:

>HI Trish and Alex,

>I would like to know if the UCD theme is ready for me to install?






>-----Original Message-----

>From: zugod-discuss-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>

>[mailto:zugod-discuss-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us]<mailto:[mailto:zugod-discuss-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us]> On Behalf Of

>zugod-discuss-owner at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss-owner at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>

>Sent: Monday, June 04, 2012 10:38 AM

>To: nwanucd at gmail.com<mailto:nwanucd at gmail.com>

>Subject: RE: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme


>You are not allowed to post to this mailing list, and your message has

>been automatically rejected. If you think that your messages are being

>rejected in error, contact the mailing list owner at

>zugod-discuss-owner at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss-owner at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>.



ZUGOD-Discuss mailing list

ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>


ZUGOD-Discuss mailing list
ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>

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Carol McMasters-Stone
2012-06-14 17:07:41 UTC
Okay, so your previous path was correct in src. I use the theme all the time and it seems to be working, but let me check it against the most recent version of Plone 4, it's possible it's not installing correctly.


From: Ning Wan <nwan at ucdavis.edu<mailto:nwan at ucdavis.edu>>
Reply-To: Zope/Plone Users' Group of Davis Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Date: Wednesday, June 13, 2012 10:35 AM
To: "'zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:'zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>'" <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme

After I change to src/ucdavis.plonetheme/ucdavis.plonetheme.
It gives me this error message. What else that I am missing.

Couldn't develop '/usr/local/Plone/phevnew/src/ucdavis.plonetheme/ucdavis.plonetheme' (not found)
Updating zeoserver.
Updating client1.
Couldn't find index page for 'ucdavis.plonetheme' (maybe misspelled?)
Getting distribution for 'ucdavis.plonetheme'.
Updating client1.
Getting distribution for 'ucdavis.plonetheme'.
Error: Couldn't find a distribution for 'ucdavis.plonetheme'

Thank very much!

From: zugod-discuss-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us> [mailto:zugod-discuss-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us] On Behalf Of Carol McMasters-Stone
Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2012 8:48 AM
To: zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme

Because of the way we packaged that theme, you may need to amend your develop line to be src/ucdavis.plonetheme/ucdavis.plonetheme then you should see it show up in addons.


Sent from my Android phone using TouchDown (www.nitrodesk.com<http://www.nitrodesk.com>)

-----Original Message-----
From: Ning Wan [nwan at ucdavis.edu<mailto:nwan at ucdavis.edu>]
Received: Tuesday, 12 Jun 2012, 10:58pm
To: 'Zope/Plone Users' Group of Davis Discussion' [zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>]
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme
It worked after I move the eggs= back to before Plone/Pillow.
I rebuilt and restart.
But where is the ucdavis.theme? It is not listed under Plone Configuration?


From: Ning Wan
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2012 9:33 PM
To: 'Zope/Plone Users' Group of Davis Discussion'
Subject: RE: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme

Thanks Steve!
This solved my problem. I am having new error now.
Here is the error message:

zeoserver: Error: 'Plone' is not a known key name
(line 38 in file:///usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/etc/zeo.conf<file:///\\usr\local\Plone\phevnew\parts\zeoserver\etc\zeo.conf>)
For help, use /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/bin/zeoserver -h
Thanks again,


From: zugod-discuss-bounces+nwan=ucdavis.edu at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss-bounces+nwan=ucdavis.edu at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us> [mailto:zugod-discuss-bounces+nwan=ucdavis.edu at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us]<mailto:[mailto:zugod-discuss-bounces+nwan=ucdavis.edu at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us]> On Behalf Of Steve McMahon
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2012 4:50 PM
To: Zope/Plone Users' Group of Davis Discussion
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme

If the package is in your src directory, also make sure that you've got a "develop" entry in the buildout section to point to the source:

develop =

Without that, buildout will try to find the package on pypi.

On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 4:28 PM, Ning Wan <nwan at ucdavis.edu<mailto:nwan at ucdavis.edu>> wrote:
Hi Trish,
I am still having the same problem. Anyone else tried install this?
Thanks again,

Installing zeoserver.
Created directory /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver
Created directory /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/etc
Created directory /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/var
Created directory /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/log
Created directory /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/bin
Wrote file /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/etc/zeo.conf
Wrote file /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/bin/zeoctl
Changed mode for /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/bin/zeoctl to 755
Wrote file /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/bin/runzeo
Changed mode for /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/bin/runzeo to 755
Generated script '/usr/local/Plone/phevnew/bin/repozo'.
Installing client1.
Couldn't find index page for 'ucdavis.plonetheme' (maybe misspelled?)
Getting distribution for 'ucdavis.plonetheme'.
Installing client1.
Getting distribution for 'ucdavis.plonetheme'.
Error: Couldn't find a distribution for 'ucdavis.plonetheme'.


From: Ang, Trish [mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu<mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu>]
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2012 1:05 PM
To: Ning Wan
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme

Hi Ning!

Not sure why that is, your buildout.cfg looks correct. I don't know that this will help, but you can try moving ucdavis.plonetheme to the bottom of the eggs and zcml list (I.e. Below Plone/Pillow, etc)..? Do you get any other errors through buildout?


From: "nwan at ucdavis.edu<mailto:nwan at ucdavis.edu>" <nwan at ucdavis.edu<mailto:nwan at ucdavis.edu>>
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2012 16:35:29 -0700
To: Trish Ang <pgang at ucdavis.edu<mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu>>
Subject: RE: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme

[cid:image001.jpg at 01CD4950.23664A50]


From: Ang, Trish [mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2012 4:33 PM
To: Ning Wan
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme

Were you able to download the ucdavis.plonetheme package to your /src folder?


From: "nwan at ucdavis.edu<mailto:nwan at ucdavis.edu>" <nwan at ucdavis.edu<mailto:nwan at ucdavis.edu>>
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2012 16:30:50 -0700
To: Trish Ang <pgang at ucdavis.edu<mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu>>
Subject: RE: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme

Here it is.


From: Ang, Trish [mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2012 4:26 PM
To: Ning Wan
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme

Hi Ning, what does your buildout.cfg look like?


From: "nwan at ucdavis.edu<mailto:nwan at ucdavis.edu>" <nwan at ucdavis.edu<mailto:nwan at ucdavis.edu>>
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2012 16:24:00 -0700
To: Trish Ang <pgang at ucdavis.edu<mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu>>
Subject: RE: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme

Hi Trish,

I encountered this problem. DO you know why?


[cid:image002.jpg at 01CD4950.23664A50]


-----Original Message-----
From: zugod-discuss-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us> [mailto:zugod-discuss-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us] On Behalf Of Ang, Trish
Sent: Monday, June 04, 2012 4:06 PM
To: Zope/Plone Discussion
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme

Hi Ning!

One of them is, although we haven't written up formal instructions yet, I think. They're available on Github here:

https://github.com/feesh/ucdavis.plonetheme and there were four we were working on: the one that actually works is called ucdavis.plonetheme

An example of it live on the web is at http://sociology.ucdavis.edu/

You should be able to install it by downloading the Github package to your /src folder, and then in buildout.cfg putting the lines:

eggs = ucdavis.plonetheme

zcml = ucdavis.plonetheme

Let me know if you run into trouble!


On 6/4/12 10:47 AM, "Ning Wan" <nwanucd at gmail.com<mailto:nwanucd at gmail.com>> wrote:

>HI Trish and Alex,

>I would like to know if the UCD theme is ready for me to install?






>-----Original Message-----

>From: zugod-discuss-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>

>[mailto:zugod-discuss-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us]<mailto:[mailto:zugod-discuss-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us]> On Behalf Of

>zugod-discuss-owner at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss-owner at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>

>Sent: Monday, June 04, 2012 10:38 AM

>To: nwanucd at gmail.com<mailto:nwanucd at gmail.com>

>Subject: RE: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme


>You are not allowed to post to this mailing list, and your message has

>been automatically rejected. If you think that your messages are being

>rejected in error, contact the mailing list owner at

>zugod-discuss-owner at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss-owner at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>.



ZUGOD-Discuss mailing list

ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>


ZUGOD-Discuss mailing list
ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>

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Ning Wan
2012-06-14 17:13:44 UTC
I installed this under a separated instance.
Thanks very much,


From: zugod-discuss-bounces+nwan=ucdavis.edu at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us [mailto:zugod-discuss-bounces+nwan=ucdavis.edu at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us] On Behalf Of Carol McMasters-Stone
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2012 10:08 AM
To: Zope/Plone Users' Group of Davis Discussion
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme

Okay, so your previous path was correct in src. I use the theme all the time and it seems to be working, but let me check it against the most recent version of Plone 4, it's possible it's not installing correctly.


From: Ning Wan <nwan at ucdavis.edu<mailto:nwan at ucdavis.edu>>
Reply-To: Zope/Plone Users' Group of Davis Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Date: Wednesday, June 13, 2012 10:35 AM
To: "'zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:'zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>'" <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme

After I change to src/ucdavis.plonetheme/ucdavis.plonetheme.
It gives me this error message. What else that I am missing.

Couldn't develop '/usr/local/Plone/phevnew/src/ucdavis.plonetheme/ucdavis.plonetheme' (not found)
Updating zeoserver.
Updating client1.
Couldn't find index page for 'ucdavis.plonetheme' (maybe misspelled?)
Getting distribution for 'ucdavis.plonetheme'.
Updating client1.
Getting distribution for 'ucdavis.plonetheme'.
Error: Couldn't find a distribution for 'ucdavis.plonetheme'

Thank very much!

From: zugod-discuss-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us> [mailto:zugod-discuss-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us] On Behalf Of Carol McMasters-Stone
Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2012 8:48 AM
To: zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme

Because of the way we packaged that theme, you may need to amend your develop line to be src/ucdavis.plonetheme/ucdavis.plonetheme then you should see it show up in addons.


Sent from my Android phone using TouchDown (www.nitrodesk.com<http://www.nitrodesk.com>)

-----Original Message-----
From: Ning Wan [nwan at ucdavis.edu<mailto:nwan at ucdavis.edu>]
Received: Tuesday, 12 Jun 2012, 10:58pm
To: 'Zope/Plone Users' Group of Davis Discussion' [zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>]
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme
It worked after I move the eggs= back to before Plone/Pillow.
I rebuilt and restart.
But where is the ucdavis.theme? It is not listed under Plone Configuration?


From: Ning Wan
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2012 9:33 PM
To: 'Zope/Plone Users' Group of Davis Discussion'
Subject: RE: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme

Thanks Steve!
This solved my problem. I am having new error now.
Here is the error message:

zeoserver: Error: 'Plone' is not a known key name
(line 38 in file:///usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/etc/zeo.conf<file:///\\usr\local\Plone\phevnew\parts\zeoserver\etc\zeo.conf>)
For help, use /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/bin/zeoserver -h
Thanks again,


From: zugod-discuss-bounces+nwan=ucdavis.edu at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss-bounces+nwan=ucdavis.edu at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us> [mailto:zugod-discuss-bounces+nwan=ucdavis.edu at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us]<mailto:[mailto:zugod-discuss-bounces+nwan=ucdavis.edu at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us]> On Behalf Of Steve McMahon
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2012 4:50 PM
To: Zope/Plone Users' Group of Davis Discussion
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme

If the package is in your src directory, also make sure that you've got a "develop" entry in the buildout section to point to the source:

develop =

Without that, buildout will try to find the package on pypi.

On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 4:28 PM, Ning Wan <nwan at ucdavis.edu<mailto:nwan at ucdavis.edu>> wrote:
Hi Trish,
I am still having the same problem. Anyone else tried install this?
Thanks again,

Installing zeoserver.
Created directory /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver
Created directory /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/etc
Created directory /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/var
Created directory /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/log
Created directory /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/bin
Wrote file /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/etc/zeo.conf
Wrote file /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/bin/zeoctl
Changed mode for /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/bin/zeoctl to 755
Wrote file /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/bin/runzeo
Changed mode for /usr/local/Plone/phevnew/parts/zeoserver/bin/runzeo to 755
Generated script '/usr/local/Plone/phevnew/bin/repozo'.
Installing client1.
Couldn't find index page for 'ucdavis.plonetheme' (maybe misspelled?)
Getting distribution for 'ucdavis.plonetheme'.
Installing client1.
Getting distribution for 'ucdavis.plonetheme'.
Error: Couldn't find a distribution for 'ucdavis.plonetheme'.


From: Ang, Trish [mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu<mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu>]
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2012 1:05 PM
To: Ning Wan
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme

Hi Ning!

Not sure why that is, your buildout.cfg looks correct. I don't know that this will help, but you can try moving ucdavis.plonetheme to the bottom of the eggs and zcml list (I.e. Below Plone/Pillow, etc)..? Do you get any other errors through buildout?


From: "nwan at ucdavis.edu<mailto:nwan at ucdavis.edu>" <nwan at ucdavis.edu<mailto:nwan at ucdavis.edu>>
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2012 16:35:29 -0700
To: Trish Ang <pgang at ucdavis.edu<mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu>>
Subject: RE: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme

[cid:image001.jpg at 01CD4A16.59A601C0]


From: Ang, Trish [mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2012 4:33 PM
To: Ning Wan
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme

Were you able to download the ucdavis.plonetheme package to your /src folder?


From: "nwan at ucdavis.edu<mailto:nwan at ucdavis.edu>" <nwan at ucdavis.edu<mailto:nwan at ucdavis.edu>>
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2012 16:30:50 -0700
To: Trish Ang <pgang at ucdavis.edu<mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu>>
Subject: RE: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme

Here it is.


From: Ang, Trish [mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2012 4:26 PM
To: Ning Wan
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme

Hi Ning, what does your buildout.cfg look like?


From: "nwan at ucdavis.edu<mailto:nwan at ucdavis.edu>" <nwan at ucdavis.edu<mailto:nwan at ucdavis.edu>>
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2012 16:24:00 -0700
To: Trish Ang <pgang at ucdavis.edu<mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu>>
Subject: RE: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme

Hi Trish,

I encountered this problem. DO you know why?


[cid:image002.jpg at 01CD4A16.59A601C0]


-----Original Message-----
From: zugod-discuss-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us> [mailto:zugod-discuss-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us] On Behalf Of Ang, Trish
Sent: Monday, June 04, 2012 4:06 PM
To: Zope/Plone Discussion
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme

Hi Ning!

One of them is, although we haven't written up formal instructions yet, I think. They're available on Github here:

https://github.com/feesh/ucdavis.plonetheme and there were four we were working on: the one that actually works is called ucdavis.plonetheme

An example of it live on the web is at http://sociology.ucdavis.edu/

You should be able to install it by downloading the Github package to your /src folder, and then in buildout.cfg putting the lines:

eggs = ucdavis.plonetheme

zcml = ucdavis.plonetheme

Let me know if you run into trouble!


On 6/4/12 10:47 AM, "Ning Wan" <nwanucd at gmail.com<mailto:nwanucd at gmail.com>> wrote:

>HI Trish and Alex,

>I would like to know if the UCD theme is ready for me to install?






>-----Original Message-----

>From: zugod-discuss-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>

>[mailto:zugod-discuss-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us]<mailto:[mailto:zugod-discuss-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us]> On Behalf Of

>zugod-discuss-owner at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss-owner at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>

>Sent: Monday, June 04, 2012 10:38 AM

>To: nwanucd at gmail.com<mailto:nwanucd at gmail.com>

>Subject: RE: [PloneDavis-Discuss] ucdavis.plonetheme


>You are not allowed to post to this mailing list, and your message has

>been automatically rejected. If you think that your messages are being

>rejected in error, contact the mailing list owner at

>zugod-discuss-owner at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss-owner at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>.



ZUGOD-Discuss mailing list

ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>


ZUGOD-Discuss mailing list
ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>

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