[PloneDavis-Discuss] World Plone Day Sprint!! April 28
Ang, Trish
2012-04-18 22:43:11 UTC
Hi again!

Just a reminder, WORLD PLONE DAY and our UC Davis Plone package sprint is next week. Here are the details!

Wednesday, April 28, 2012
11am ? 7pm
(come by for any amount of time you can make!)
de Vere's in Davis

They've agreed to set aside an area for us to work, and I'll remember to bring a power strip or two so our laptops keep functioning while we sprint.

Goal ? create a package or virtual image that will allow new Plone users to instantly start up a UC Davis themed instance.

Things that may be worthwhile including:

* Tyler's UC Davis Diazo theme
* Kerberos authentication
* Handy products like PloneFormGen and FacStaffDirectory?

Anything else? I'm chatting with Kim from UWOSH tomorrow to take a look at the working example they use over there. If you have any other suggestions, or for any of your more sprint-savvy folks (ahem Steve, Tyler, Carol?), should we figure out a course of action beforehand..? Tasklist of some sort?

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Ang, Trish
2012-04-18 22:46:13 UTC
Oh terrible. TYPO!! It's Wednesday, April 25! My bad. :)

From: <Ang>, Trish Ang <pgang at ucdavis.edu<mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu>>
Reply-To: Zope/Plone Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
To: Zope/Plone Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Subject: [PloneDavis-Discuss] World Plone Day Sprint!! April 28

Hi again!

Just a reminder, WORLD PLONE DAY and our UC Davis Plone package sprint is next week. Here are the details!

Wednesday, April 28, 2012
11am ? 7pm
(come by for any amount of time you can make!)
de Vere's in Davis

They've agreed to set aside an area for us to work, and I'll remember to bring a power strip or two so our laptops keep functioning while we sprint.

Goal ? create a package or virtual image that will allow new Plone users to instantly start up a UC Davis themed instance.

Things that may be worthwhile including:

* Tyler's UC Davis Diazo theme
* Kerberos authentication
* Handy products like PloneFormGen and FacStaffDirectory?

Anything else? I'm chatting with Kim from UWOSH tomorrow to take a look at the working example they use over there. If you have any other suggestions, or for any of your more sprint-savvy folks (ahem Steve, Tyler, Carol?), should we figure out a course of action beforehand..? Tasklist of some sort?

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Ang, Trish
2012-04-24 21:02:06 UTC

Don't forget, our World Plone Day sprint is tomorrow!! However, the folks at de Vere's emailed me again and decided that, in fact, 11-7pm is too many hours to take from their extremely busy restaurant business. So change of plans:

Meeting 11-7pm, at Delta of Venus
(unless anyone has a better locale suggestion)

Once again, feel free to stop by for however long you can attend.

If you can't find us for some reason, feel free to text or call me at 916 397 0839.

Thanks, see you all tomorrow!

From: <Ang>, Trish Ang <pgang at ucdavis.edu<mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu>>
Reply-To: Zope/Plone Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
To: Zope/Plone Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] World Plone Day Sprint!! April 25

Oh terrible. TYPO!! It's Wednesday, April 25! My bad. :)

From: <Ang>, Trish Ang <pgang at ucdavis.edu<mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu>>
Reply-To: Zope/Plone Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
To: Zope/Plone Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Subject: [PloneDavis-Discuss] World Plone Day Sprint!! April 28

Hi again!

Just a reminder, WORLD PLONE DAY and our UC Davis Plone package sprint is next week. Here are the details!

Wednesday, April 28, 2012
11am ? 7pm
(come by for any amount of time you can make!)
de Vere's in Davis

They've agreed to set aside an area for us to work, and I'll remember to bring a power strip or two so our laptops keep functioning while we sprint.

Goal ? create a package or virtual image that will allow new Plone users to instantly start up a UC Davis themed instance.

Things that may be worthwhile including:

* Tyler's UC Davis Diazo theme
* Kerberos authentication
* Handy products like PloneFormGen and FacStaffDirectory?

Anything else? I'm chatting with Kim from UWOSH tomorrow to take a look at the working example they use over there. If you have any other suggestions, or for any of your more sprint-savvy folks (ahem Steve, Tyler, Carol?), should we figure out a course of action beforehand..? Tasklist of some sort?

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Steve McMahon
2012-04-24 23:27:19 UTC
See you all there!
Post by Ang, Trish
Don't forget, our *World Plone Day* sprint is tomorrow!! However, the
folks at de Vere's emailed me again and decided that, in fact, 11-7pm is
too many hours to take from their extremely busy restaurant business. So
*Meeting 11-7pm, at Delta of Venus*
(unless anyone has a better locale suggestion)
Once again, feel free to stop by for however long you can attend.
If you can't find us for some reason, feel free to text or call me at *916
397 0839*.
Thanks, see you all *tomorrow*!
From: <Ang>, Trish Ang <pgang at ucdavis.edu>
Reply-To: Zope/Plone Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>
To: Zope/Plone Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] World Plone Day Sprint!! April 25
Oh terrible. TYPO!! It's Wednesday, April 25! My bad. :)
From: <Ang>, Trish Ang <pgang at ucdavis.edu>
Reply-To: Zope/Plone Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>
To: Zope/Plone Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>
Subject: [PloneDavis-Discuss] World Plone Day Sprint!! April 28
Hi again!
Just a reminder, *WORLD PLONE DAY* and our * UC Davis Plone package sprint
* is next week. Here are the details!
Wednesday, April 28, 2012
11am ? 7pm
(come by for any amount of time you can make!)
de Vere's in Davis
They've agreed to set aside an area for us to work, and I'll remember to
bring a power strip or two so our laptops keep functioning while we sprint.
Goal ? create a package or virtual image that will allow new Plone users
to instantly start up a UC Davis themed instance.
- Tyler's UC Davis Diazo theme
- Kerberos authentication
- Handy products like PloneFormGen and FacStaffDirectory?
Anything else? I'm chatting with Kim from UWOSH tomorrow to take a look at
the working example they use over there. If you have any other suggestions,
or for any of your more sprint-savvy folks (ahem Steve, Tyler, Carol?),
should we figure out a course of action beforehand..? Tasklist of some
ZUGOD-Discuss mailing list
ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us
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Alex Mandel
2012-04-25 07:30:48 UTC
I'll bring a power strip and extension cord.

Post by Ang, Trish
Meeting 11-7pm, at Delta of Venus
(unless anyone has a better locale suggestion)
Once again, feel free to stop by for however long you can attend.
If you can't find us for some reason, feel free to text or call me at 916 397 0839.
Thanks, see you all tomorrow!
From:<Ang>, Trish Ang<pgang at ucdavis.edu<mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu>>
Reply-To: Zope/Plone Discussion<zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
To: Zope/Plone Discussion<zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] World Plone Day Sprint!! April 25
Oh terrible. TYPO!! It's Wednesday, April 25! My bad. :)
From:<Ang>, Trish Ang<pgang at ucdavis.edu<mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu>>
Reply-To: Zope/Plone Discussion<zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
To: Zope/Plone Discussion<zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Subject: [PloneDavis-Discuss] World Plone Day Sprint!! April 28
Hi again!
Just a reminder, WORLD PLONE DAY and our UC Davis Plone package sprint is next week. Here are the details!
Wednesday, April 28, 2012
11am ? 7pm
(come by for any amount of time you can make!)
de Vere's in Davis
They've agreed to set aside an area for us to work, and I'll remember to bring a power strip or two so our laptops keep functioning while we sprint.
Goal ? create a package or virtual image that will allow new Plone users to instantly start up a UC Davis themed instance.
* Tyler's UC Davis Diazo theme
* Kerberos authentication
* Handy products like PloneFormGen and FacStaffDirectory?
Anything else? I'm chatting with Kim from UWOSH tomorrow to take a look at the working example they use over there. If you have any other suggestions, or for any of your more sprint-savvy folks (ahem Steve, Tyler, Carol?), should we figure out a course of action beforehand..? Tasklist of some sort?
ZUGOD-Discuss mailing list
ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us
Carol McMasters-Stone
2012-04-24 21:06:49 UTC
Looking forward to it!


From: <Ang>, Trish <pgang at ucdavis.edu<mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu>>
Reply-To: Zope/Plone Users' Group of Davis Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Date: Tuesday, April 24, 2012 2:02 PM
To: Zope/Plone Users' Group of Davis Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] World Plone Day Sprint!! April 25


Don't forget, our World Plone Day sprint is tomorrow!! However, the folks at de Vere's emailed me again and decided that, in fact, 11-7pm is too many hours to take from their extremely busy restaurant business. So change of plans:

Meeting 11-7pm, at Delta of Venus
(unless anyone has a better locale suggestion)

Once again, feel free to stop by for however long you can attend.

If you can't find us for some reason, feel free to text or call me at 916 397 0839.

Thanks, see you all tomorrow!

From: <Ang>, Trish Ang <pgang at ucdavis.edu<mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu>>
Reply-To: Zope/Plone Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
To: Zope/Plone Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] World Plone Day Sprint!! April 25

Oh terrible. TYPO!! It's Wednesday, April 25! My bad. :)

From: <Ang>, Trish Ang <pgang at ucdavis.edu<mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu>>
Reply-To: Zope/Plone Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
To: Zope/Plone Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Subject: [PloneDavis-Discuss] World Plone Day Sprint!! April 28

Hi again!

Just a reminder, WORLD PLONE DAY and our UC Davis Plone package sprint is next week. Here are the details!

Wednesday, April 28, 2012
11am ? 7pm
(come by for any amount of time you can make!)
de Vere's in Davis

They've agreed to set aside an area for us to work, and I'll remember to bring a power strip or two so our laptops keep functioning while we sprint.

Goal ? create a package or virtual image that will allow new Plone users to instantly start up a UC Davis themed instance.

Things that may be worthwhile including:

* Tyler's UC Davis Diazo theme
* Kerberos authentication
* Handy products like PloneFormGen and FacStaffDirectory?

Anything else? I'm chatting with Kim from UWOSH tomorrow to take a look at the working example they use over there. If you have any other suggestions, or for any of your more sprint-savvy folks (ahem Steve, Tyler, Carol?), should we figure out a course of action beforehand..? Tasklist of some sort?

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