[PloneDavis-Discuss] FW: [Plone] FW: Plone Symposium June 2-9
Ang, Trish
2013-04-30 23:05:19 UTC
Anyone heading to the Plone Symposium this year?

From: <Wu>, Albert <albertwu at ucla.edu<mailto:albertwu at ucla.edu>>
Date: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 3:58 PM
To: "plone at lists.ucla.edu<mailto:plone at lists.ucla.edu>" <plone at lists.ucla.edu<mailto:plone at lists.ucla.edu>>
Subject: [Plone] FW: Plone Symposium June 2-9

FYI. The Plone Symposium has a new location this year.

In addition to the usual Plone sessions, UCLA will be presenting with Six Feet Up a new Plone content syndication product UCLA is releasing into open source. If your schedule permits, please plan to join us in Oshkosh.

Albert Wu
Senior Director
Information Management Services
UCLA IT Services
albertwu at ucla.edu<mailto:albertwu at ucla.edu>
+1 310 825 1933

From: UW Oshkosh <llce at uwosh.edu<mailto:llce at uwosh.edu>>
Reply-To: "llce at uwosh.edu<mailto:llce at uwosh.edu>" <llce at uwosh.edu<mailto:llce at uwosh.edu>>
Date: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 7:40 AM
To: Albert Wu <albertwu at ucla.edu<mailto:albertwu at ucla.edu>>
Subject: Plone Symposium June 2-9

[Loading Image...] [Loading Image...] <http://s.rs6.net/t?e=ANPdNDxi1Qc&c=1&r=1> [Loading Image...] <http://s.rs6.net/t?e=ANPdNDxi1Qc&c=3&r=1> [Loading Image...] <http://s.rs6.net/t?e=ANPdNDxi1Qc&c=4&r=1> [Loading Image...] [Loading Image...] <http://s.rs6.net/t?e=ANPdNDxi1Qc&c=5&r=1> [Loading Image...] [Loading Image...] <http://myemail.constantcontact.com/.html?soid=1102200732159&aid=ANPdNDxi1Qc#fblike>

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Registrations are coming in. Reserve your spot at the Plone Symposium Midwest!

In addition to two days of keynotes and talks (June 5-6), the Midwest Plone Symposium also offers three days of training<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRV8FX-KykHSVivnJJSUfEBF_qhavd2Sv4N8kHbUxK6LJpL8whX_sYa7RjM-JmxB3tqhHeCtl4OL0dbXzKzZqN52hgo4tn51DU-rCBX1DgCp6z3Ik6suuMi5TOIg5RSSwB4=> before the conference and three days of sprints<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRX7crXLMYw9w27EG2Wq8aPNoN9xGmGV-gpIulmAjoofYMD4RGqKtgKRhljmXSDVw3wK0rj8olCnGVzPU2nKXqH2Qhr74IFiNEgrftYdCfjik1e1BbFkjQrc6kbYkBwXcso=> after!

Training topics include:

* Fundamentals of Python
* Plone 4 Theming
* Creating Plone Content Types with Dexterity
* Power up your Plone Development
* Plone 101
* Leading through Change

The trainers this year are true experts in their fields. Trainings are engaging experiences that allow you to learn in an instructional setting.

This year's symposium offers something for everyone. Visit our website for keynote and talk descriptions<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRWv-KiiSDNj1e20M2s3mXW_F-fn7S3e1Ut3V7HURyILBHPc7IzFNeOfJ87yzhPizIgSXKouLOHfYvgD5U_g7U2QDsO62KmmGeGCqJz9WVcmwqSgd6rhMFdE> and to register online.

Register online today >><http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRVykuiEumWiHUxA0PpXmfFDEB6phWwPAXNtgkPgvcX1tnTRq3GzAuVzPPDN6zh_HkHJVMcPnl3T4DjLh1bUxxHAZRrkgxnFEMUIp0_t_NLYFzYEUdY3aPKxdivdkIwx7aolLYJukImpOdtsEKkP6BoDZKxeWLLT_oI=>

The registration fee is $275.

Registration includes the June 5-6 Symposium and optional sprints (June 7, 8 and 9).

Training session registration is handled by the individual trainer. Visit the training page for more information<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRV8FX-KykHSVivnJJSUfEBF_qhavd2Sv4N8kHbUxK6LJpL8whX_sYa7RjM-JmxB3tqhHeCtl4OL0dbXzKzZqN52hgo4tn51DU-rCBX1DgCp6z3Ik6suuMi5TOIg5RSSwB4=>.

Stay connected to Plone Symposium Midwest, and get the latest news!
[LLCE twitter icon 128]<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRUjlLNmbSiImccXL9uO-x0-E89Wa9_cxQFIaGtjTkss404vyPH4uvon66tsRNUTULwv4CMe9SJBZS46ugafZ3meBKmFPRiQe4qgpPwz8mXVAsjFix2B7YjS>[Join us on Facebook]<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRVTKx304JNIZoFJuCfzPkwhLmlIQ9Rj1u5fQ6EQzGOEzghchHAxcJEoGo10GExjfrYfuDaBTXGOa8XkGfxZx_vgUNekkjPw4e-nJfoOq9g7DcNN5XPvazH2RPgLZFSu-I_SzBhha4fOTg==>

You can also join our mailing list<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRUZOVApbhQlnIgk7duSOeW98ozCS_e25qWg01Trvjkm0MJAdidQ02kdABEturmtHNpE8FKiQ-JAbXxVVw9XMzc8EedjZib0R1ctPfseht3f8gdcoXv90DphjM7-lkw3zKqFBvxj9p6SYDnAg3vqdTbKAvLX5bYAC7Dtt-gh5nrPsA==>!

Forward this email<http://ui.constantcontact.com/sa/fwtf.jsp?llr=4p5qeqcab&m=1102200732159&ea=albertwu%40ucla.edu&a=1113235160940>
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This email was sent to albertwu at ucla.edu<mailto:albertwu at ucla.edu> by llce at uwosh.edu<mailto:llce at uwosh.edu> |
Update Profile/Email Address<http://visitor.constantcontact.com/do?p=oo&mse=001tAx93SxsVPcCPNqI4Ha0_ovnzxqByF9qWitPwhQrBrk%3D&t=001CA3CzfnS7EKTZSnuiT1n8A%3D%3D&llr=4p5qeqcab>| Instant removal with SafeUnsubscribe<http://visitor.constantcontact.com/do?p=un&mse=001tAx93SxsVPcCPNqI4Ha0_ovnzxqByF9qWitPwhQrBrk%3D&t=001CA3CzfnS7EKTZSnuiT1n8A%3D%3D&llr=4p5qeqcab>? | Privacy Policy<http://ui.constantcontact.com/roving/CCPrivacyPolicy.jsp>.

University of Wisconsin Oshkosh | 800 Algoma Blvd | Oshkosh | WI | 54901

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Steve McMahon
2013-05-01 00:43:45 UTC
As you might guess, I'll be there :)

By the way, I'll be giving a talk on Diazo that I'd be happy to give to
local folks, if you're interested, some time after the symposium:

*Diazo: How it works*

*Diazo is the new Plone theming tool that ships with Plone 4.2+, with a
built in theme editor in Plone 4.3.*

The purpose of this talk is not to get into the guts of Diazo,
plone.app.theming or XSLT. Rather, it's to help the audience build a good
mental model of the steps Diazo uses to build the final page. That mental
model pays off when you need to do something like move a portion of the
content from one place to another while keeping your ruleset simple.
Post by Ang, Trish
Anyone heading to the Plone Symposium this year?
From: <Wu>, Albert <albertwu at ucla.edu>
Date: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 3:58 PM
To: "plone at lists.ucla.edu" <plone at lists.ucla.edu>
Subject: [Plone] FW: Plone Symposium June 2-9
FYI. The Plone Symposium has a new location this year.
In addition to the usual Plone sessions, UCLA will be presenting with
Six Feet Up a new Plone content syndication product UCLA is releasing into
open source. If your schedule permits, please plan to join us in Oshkosh.
*Albert Wu*
*Senior Director*
*Information Management Services*
*UCLA IT Services*
*albertwu at ucla.edu*
*+1 310 825 1933*
From: UW Oshkosh <llce at uwosh.edu>
Reply-To: "llce at uwosh.edu" <llce at uwosh.edu>
Date: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 7:40 AM
To: Albert Wu <albertwu at ucla.edu>
Subject: Plone Symposium June 2-9
<http://s.rs6.net/t?e=ANPdNDxi1Qc&c=4&r=1> <http://s.rs6.net/t?e=ANPdNDxi1Qc&c=5&r=1> <http://myemail.constantcontact.com/.html?soid=1102200732159&aid=ANPdNDxi1Qc#fblike>
*Registrations are coming in. Reserve your spot at the Plone
Symposium Midwest!*
In addition to two days of keynotes and talks (June 5-6), the Midwest
Plone Symposium also offers three days of training<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRV8FX-KykHSVivnJJSUfEBF_qhavd2Sv4N8kHbUxK6LJpL8whX_sYa7RjM-JmxB3tqhHeCtl4OL0dbXzKzZqN52hgo4tn51DU-rCBX1DgCp6z3Ik6suuMi5TOIg5RSSwB4=>before the conference and three
days of sprints<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRX7crXLMYw9w27EG2Wq8aPNoN9xGmGV-gpIulmAjoofYMD4RGqKtgKRhljmXSDVw3wK0rj8olCnGVzPU2nKXqH2Qhr74IFiNEgrftYdCfjik1e1BbFkjQrc6kbYkBwXcso=>after!
*Training topics include:*
- Fundamentals of Python
- Plone 4 Theming
- Creating Plone Content Types with Dexterity
- Power up your Plone Development
- Plone 101
- Leading through Change
The trainers this year are true experts in their fields. Trainings are
engaging experiences that allow you to learn in an instructional setting.
This year's symposium offers something for everyone. Visit our website for keynote
and talk descriptions<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRWv-KiiSDNj1e20M2s3mXW_F-fn7S3e1Ut3V7HURyILBHPc7IzFNeOfJ87yzhPizIgSXKouLOHfYvgD5U_g7U2QDsO62KmmGeGCqJz9WVcmwqSgd6rhMFdE>and to register online.
Register online today >><http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRVykuiEumWiHUxA0PpXmfFDEB6phWwPAXNtgkPgvcX1tnTRq3GzAuVzPPDN6zh_HkHJVMcPnl3T4DjLh1bUxxHAZRrkgxnFEMUIp0_t_NLYFzYEUdY3aPKxdivdkIwx7aolLYJukImpOdtsEKkP6BoDZKxeWLLT_oI=>
The registration fee is $275.
Registration includes the June 5-6 Symposium and optional sprints (June 7, 8 and 9).
Training session registration is handled by the individual trainer. Visit
the training page for more information<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRV8FX-KykHSVivnJJSUfEBF_qhavd2Sv4N8kHbUxK6LJpL8whX_sYa7RjM-JmxB3tqhHeCtl4OL0dbXzKzZqN52hgo4tn51DU-rCBX1DgCp6z3Ik6suuMi5TOIg5RSSwB4=>
Stay connected to Plone Symposium Midwest, and get the latest news!
Join us on Facebook]<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRVTKx304JNIZoFJuCfzPkwhLmlIQ9Rj1u5fQ6EQzGOEzghchHAxcJEoGo10GExjfrYfuDaBTXGOa8XkGfxZx_vgUNekkjPw4e-nJfoOq9g7DcNN5XPvazH2RPgLZFSu-I_SzBhha4fOTg==>
You can also join our mailing list<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRUZOVApbhQlnIgk7duSOeW98ozCS_e25qWg01Trvjkm0MJAdidQ02kdABEturmtHNpE8FKiQ-JAbXxVVw9XMzc8EedjZib0R1ctPfseht3f8gdcoXv90DphjM7-lkw3zKqFBvxj9p6SYDnAg3vqdTbKAvLX5bYAC7Dtt-gh5nrPsA==>!
Forward this email<http://ui.constantcontact.com/sa/fwtf.jsp?llr=4p5qeqcab&m=1102200732159&ea=albertwu%40ucla.edu&a=1113235160940>
This email was sent to albertwu at ucla.edu by llce at uwosh.edu |
Update Profile/Email Address<http://visitor.constantcontact.com/do?p=oo&mse=001tAx93SxsVPcCPNqI4Ha0_ovnzxqByF9qWitPwhQrBrk%3D&t=001CA3CzfnS7EKTZSnuiT1n8A%3D%3D&llr=4p5qeqcab>
| Instant removal with SafeUnsubscribe<http://visitor.constantcontact.com/do?p=un&mse=001tAx93SxsVPcCPNqI4Ha0_ovnzxqByF9qWitPwhQrBrk%3D&t=001CA3CzfnS7EKTZSnuiT1n8A%3D%3D&llr=4p5qeqcab>?
| Privacy Policy<http://ui.constantcontact.com/roving/CCPrivacyPolicy.jsp>
University of Wisconsin Oshkosh | 800 Algoma Blvd | Oshkosh | WI | 54901
ZUGOD-Discuss mailing list
ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us
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Ang, Trish
2013-05-01 19:13:51 UTC
Hi Steve!

That's a great idea. Let me know any date you want to hold that (ideally Tuesday or Thursday?), and we'll find a spot on campus for you. :)

Additionally, we've been using a few UC Davis style themes with Diazo on some new websites, and can run through a demo of that afterwards if it's useful.


From: Steve McMahon <steve at dcn.org<mailto:steve at dcn.org>>
Reply-To: Zope/Plone Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Date: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 5:43 PM
To: Zope/Plone Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] FW: [Plone] FW: Plone Symposium June 2-9

As you might guess, I'll be there :)

By the way, I'll be giving a talk on Diazo that I'd be happy to give to local folks, if you're interested, some time after the symposium:

Diazo: How it works

Diazo is the new Plone theming tool that ships with Plone 4.2+, with a built in theme editor in Plone 4.3.

The purpose of this talk is not to get into the guts of Diazo, plone.app.theming or XSLT. Rather, it's to help the audience build a good mental model of the steps Diazo uses to build the final page. That mental model pays off when you need to do something like move a portion of the content from one place to another while keeping your ruleset simple.

On Tue, Apr 30, 2013 at 4:05 PM, Ang, Trish <pgang at ucdavis.edu<mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu>> wrote:
Anyone heading to the Plone Symposium this year?

From: <Wu>, Albert <albertwu at ucla.edu<mailto:albertwu at ucla.edu>>
Date: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 3:58 PM
To: "plone at lists.ucla.edu<mailto:plone at lists.ucla.edu>" <plone at lists.ucla.edu<mailto:plone at lists.ucla.edu>>
Subject: [Plone] FW: Plone Symposium June 2-9

FYI. The Plone Symposium has a new location this year.

In addition to the usual Plone sessions, UCLA will be presenting with Six Feet Up a new Plone content syndication product UCLA is releasing into open source. If your schedule permits, please plan to join us in Oshkosh.

Albert Wu
Senior Director
Information Management Services
UCLA IT Services
albertwu at ucla.edu<mailto:albertwu at ucla.edu>
+1 310 825 1933<tel:%2B1%20310%20825%201933>

From: UW Oshkosh <llce at uwosh.edu<mailto:llce at uwosh.edu>>
Reply-To: "llce at uwosh.edu<mailto:llce at uwosh.edu>" <llce at uwosh.edu<mailto:llce at uwosh.edu>>
Date: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 7:40 AM
To: Albert Wu <albertwu at ucla.edu<mailto:albertwu at ucla.edu>>
Subject: Plone Symposium June 2-9

[X] [X] <http://s.rs6.net/t?e=ANPdNDxi1Qc&c=1&r=1> [X] <http://s.rs6.net/t?e=ANPdNDxi1Qc&c=3&r=1> [X] <http://s.rs6.net/t?e=ANPdNDxi1Qc&c=4&r=1> [X] [X] <http://s.rs6.net/t?e=ANPdNDxi1Qc&c=5&r=1> [X] [X] <http://myemail.constantcontact.com/.html?soid=1102200732159&aid=ANPdNDxi1Qc#fblike>


Registrations are coming in. Reserve your spot at the Plone Symposium Midwest!

In addition to two days of keynotes and talks (June 5-6), the Midwest Plone Symposium also offers three days of training<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRV8FX-KykHSVivnJJSUfEBF_qhavd2Sv4N8kHbUxK6LJpL8whX_sYa7RjM-JmxB3tqhHeCtl4OL0dbXzKzZqN52hgo4tn51DU-rCBX1DgCp6z3Ik6suuMi5TOIg5RSSwB4=> before the conference and three days of sprints<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRX7crXLMYw9w27EG2Wq8aPNoN9xGmGV-gpIulmAjoofYMD4RGqKtgKRhljmXSDVw3wK0rj8olCnGVzPU2nKXqH2Qhr74IFiNEgrftYdCfjik1e1BbFkjQrc6kbYkBwXcso=> after!

Training topics include:

* Fundamentals of Python
* Plone 4 Theming
* Creating Plone Content Types with Dexterity
* Power up your Plone Development
* Plone 101
* Leading through Change

The trainers this year are true experts in their fields. Trainings are engaging experiences that allow you to learn in an instructional setting.

This year's symposium offers something for everyone. Visit our website for keynote and talk descriptions<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRWv-KiiSDNj1e20M2s3mXW_F-fn7S3e1Ut3V7HURyILBHPc7IzFNeOfJ87yzhPizIgSXKouLOHfYvgD5U_g7U2QDsO62KmmGeGCqJz9WVcmwqSgd6rhMFdE> and to register online.

Register online today >><http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRVykuiEumWiHUxA0PpXmfFDEB6phWwPAXNtgkPgvcX1tnTRq3GzAuVzPPDN6zh_HkHJVMcPnl3T4DjLh1bUxxHAZRrkgxnFEMUIp0_t_NLYFzYEUdY3aPKxdivdkIwx7aolLYJukImpOdtsEKkP6BoDZKxeWLLT_oI=>

The registration fee is $275.

Registration includes the June 5-6 Symposium and optional sprints (June 7, 8 and 9).

Training session registration is handled by the individual trainer. Visit the training page for more information<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRV8FX-KykHSVivnJJSUfEBF_qhavd2Sv4N8kHbUxK6LJpL8whX_sYa7RjM-JmxB3tqhHeCtl4OL0dbXzKzZqN52hgo4tn51DU-rCBX1DgCp6z3Ik6suuMi5TOIg5RSSwB4=>.

Stay connected to Plone Symposium Midwest, and get the latest news!
[LLCE twitter icon 128]<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRUjlLNmbSiImccXL9uO-x0-E89Wa9_cxQFIaGtjTkss404vyPH4uvon66tsRNUTULwv4CMe9SJBZS46ugafZ3meBKmFPRiQe4qgpPwz8mXVAsjFix2B7YjS>[Join us on Facebook]<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRVTKx304JNIZoFJuCfzPkwhLmlIQ9Rj1u5fQ6EQzGOEzghchHAxcJEoGo10GExjfrYfuDaBTXGOa8XkGfxZx_vgUNekkjPw4e-nJfoOq9g7DcNN5XPvazH2RPgLZFSu-I_SzBhha4fOTg==>

You can also join our mailing list<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRUZOVApbhQlnIgk7duSOeW98ozCS_e25qWg01Trvjkm0MJAdidQ02kdABEturmtHNpE8FKiQ-JAbXxVVw9XMzc8EedjZib0R1ctPfseht3f8gdcoXv90DphjM7-lkw3zKqFBvxj9p6SYDnAg3vqdTbKAvLX5bYAC7Dtt-gh5nrPsA==>!

Forward this email<http://ui.constantcontact.com/sa/fwtf.jsp?llr=4p5qeqcab&m=1102200732159&ea=albertwu%40ucla.edu&a=1113235160940>
[X]<http://visitor.constantcontact.com/do?p=un&mse=001tAx93SxsVPcCPNqI4Ha0_ovnzxqByF9qWitPwhQrBrk%3D&t=001CA3CzfnS7EKTZSnuiT1n8A%3D%3D&llr=4p5qeqcab> [X] <http://www.constantcontact.com/index.jsp?cc=TEM_Hisp_232>
This email was sent to albertwu at ucla.edu<mailto:albertwu at ucla.edu> by llce at uwosh.edu<mailto:llce at uwosh.edu> |
Update Profile/Email Address<http://visitor.constantcontact.com/do?p=oo&mse=001tAx93SxsVPcCPNqI4Ha0_ovnzxqByF9qWitPwhQrBrk%3D&t=001CA3CzfnS7EKTZSnuiT1n8A%3D%3D&llr=4p5qeqcab>| Instant removal with SafeUnsubscribe<http://visitor.constantcontact.com/do?p=un&mse=001tAx93SxsVPcCPNqI4Ha0_ovnzxqByF9qWitPwhQrBrk%3D&t=001CA3CzfnS7EKTZSnuiT1n8A%3D%3D&llr=4p5qeqcab>? | Privacy Policy<http://ui.constantcontact.com/roving/CCPrivacyPolicy.jsp>.

University of Wisconsin Oshkosh | 800 Algoma Blvd | Oshkosh | WI | 54901

ZUGOD-Discuss mailing list
ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>

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Steve McMahon
2013-05-01 19:57:26 UTC
Hi Trish,

It could probably be any time after the symposium (sprints end June 9).
Thursday and Friday noons are often busy. Other than that, I'm usually

Some diazo demos would be great! In fact, maybe we should start with those,
then move to nuts and bolts.

Post by Ang, Trish
Hi Steve!
That's a great idea. Let me know any date you want to hold that (ideally
Tuesday or Thursday?), and we'll find a spot on campus for you. :)
Additionally, we've been using a few UC Davis style themes with Diazo on
some new websites, and can run through a demo of that afterwards if it's
From: Steve McMahon <steve at dcn.org>
Reply-To: Zope/Plone Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>
Date: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 5:43 PM
To: Zope/Plone Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] FW: [Plone] FW: Plone Symposium June 2-9
As you might guess, I'll be there :)
By the way, I'll be giving a talk on Diazo that I'd be happy to give to
*Diazo: How it works*
*Diazo is the new Plone theming tool that ships with Plone 4.2+, with a
built in theme editor in Plone 4.3.*
The purpose of this talk is not to get into the guts of Diazo,
plone.app.theming or XSLT. Rather, it's to help the audience build a good
mental model of the steps Diazo uses to build the final page. That mental
model pays off when you need to do something like move a portion of the
content from one place to another while keeping your ruleset simple.
Post by Ang, Trish
Anyone heading to the Plone Symposium this year?
From: <Wu>, Albert <albertwu at ucla.edu>
Date: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 3:58 PM
To: "plone at lists.ucla.edu" <plone at lists.ucla.edu>
Subject: [Plone] FW: Plone Symposium June 2-9
FYI. The Plone Symposium has a new location this year.
In addition to the usual Plone sessions, UCLA will be presenting with
Six Feet Up a new Plone content syndication product UCLA is releasing into
open source. If your schedule permits, please plan to join us in Oshkosh.
*Albert Wu*
*Senior Director*
*Information Management Services*
*UCLA IT Services*
*albertwu at ucla.edu*
*+1 310 825 1933*
From: UW Oshkosh <llce at uwosh.edu>
Reply-To: "llce at uwosh.edu" <llce at uwosh.edu>
Date: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 7:40 AM
To: Albert Wu <albertwu at ucla.edu>
Subject: Plone Symposium June 2-9
<http://s.rs6.net/t?e=ANPdNDxi1Qc&c=4&r=1> <http://s.rs6.net/t?e=ANPdNDxi1Qc&c=5&r=1> <http://myemail.constantcontact.com/.html?soid=1102200732159&aid=ANPdNDxi1Qc#fblike>
*Registrations are coming in. Reserve your spot at the Plone
Symposium Midwest!*
In addition to two days of keynotes and talks (June 5-6), the Midwest
Plone Symposium also offers three days of training<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRV8FX-KykHSVivnJJSUfEBF_qhavd2Sv4N8kHbUxK6LJpL8whX_sYa7RjM-JmxB3tqhHeCtl4OL0dbXzKzZqN52hgo4tn51DU-rCBX1DgCp6z3Ik6suuMi5TOIg5RSSwB4=>before the conference and three
days of sprints<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRX7crXLMYw9w27EG2Wq8aPNoN9xGmGV-gpIulmAjoofYMD4RGqKtgKRhljmXSDVw3wK0rj8olCnGVzPU2nKXqH2Qhr74IFiNEgrftYdCfjik1e1BbFkjQrc6kbYkBwXcso=>after!
*Training topics include:*
- Fundamentals of Python
- Plone 4 Theming
- Creating Plone Content Types with Dexterity
- Power up your Plone Development
- Plone 101
- Leading through Change
The trainers this year are true experts in their fields. Trainings are
engaging experiences that allow you to learn in an instructional setting.
This year's symposium offers something for everyone. Visit our website
for keynote and talk descriptions<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRWv-KiiSDNj1e20M2s3mXW_F-fn7S3e1Ut3V7HURyILBHPc7IzFNeOfJ87yzhPizIgSXKouLOHfYvgD5U_g7U2QDsO62KmmGeGCqJz9WVcmwqSgd6rhMFdE>and to register online.
Register online today >><http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRVykuiEumWiHUxA0PpXmfFDEB6phWwPAXNtgkPgvcX1tnTRq3GzAuVzPPDN6zh_HkHJVMcPnl3T4DjLh1bUxxHAZRrkgxnFEMUIp0_t_NLYFzYEUdY3aPKxdivdkIwx7aolLYJukImpOdtsEKkP6BoDZKxeWLLT_oI=>
The registration fee is $275.
Registration includes the June 5-6 Symposium and optional sprints (June 7, 8 and 9).
Training session registration is handled by the individual trainer. Visit
the training page for more information<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRV8FX-KykHSVivnJJSUfEBF_qhavd2Sv4N8kHbUxK6LJpL8whX_sYa7RjM-JmxB3tqhHeCtl4OL0dbXzKzZqN52hgo4tn51DU-rCBX1DgCp6z3Ik6suuMi5TOIg5RSSwB4=>
Stay connected to Plone Symposium Midwest, and get the latest news!
Join us on Facebook]<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRVTKx304JNIZoFJuCfzPkwhLmlIQ9Rj1u5fQ6EQzGOEzghchHAxcJEoGo10GExjfrYfuDaBTXGOa8XkGfxZx_vgUNekkjPw4e-nJfoOq9g7DcNN5XPvazH2RPgLZFSu-I_SzBhha4fOTg==>
You can also join our mailing list<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRUZOVApbhQlnIgk7duSOeW98ozCS_e25qWg01Trvjkm0MJAdidQ02kdABEturmtHNpE8FKiQ-JAbXxVVw9XMzc8EedjZib0R1ctPfseht3f8gdcoXv90DphjM7-lkw3zKqFBvxj9p6SYDnAg3vqdTbKAvLX5bYAC7Dtt-gh5nrPsA==>!
Forward this email<http://ui.constantcontact.com/sa/fwtf.jsp?llr=4p5qeqcab&m=1102200732159&ea=albertwu%40ucla.edu&a=1113235160940>
This email was sent to albertwu at ucla.edu by llce at uwosh.edu |
Update Profile/Email Address<http://visitor.constantcontact.com/do?p=oo&mse=001tAx93SxsVPcCPNqI4Ha0_ovnzxqByF9qWitPwhQrBrk%3D&t=001CA3CzfnS7EKTZSnuiT1n8A%3D%3D&llr=4p5qeqcab>
| Instant removal with SafeUnsubscribe<http://visitor.constantcontact.com/do?p=un&mse=001tAx93SxsVPcCPNqI4Ha0_ovnzxqByF9qWitPwhQrBrk%3D&t=001CA3CzfnS7EKTZSnuiT1n8A%3D%3D&llr=4p5qeqcab>?
| Privacy Policy<http://ui.constantcontact.com/roving/CCPrivacyPolicy.jsp>
University of Wisconsin Oshkosh | 800 Algoma Blvd | Oshkosh | WI | 54901
ZUGOD-Discuss mailing list
ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us
ZUGOD-Discuss mailing list
ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us
-------------- next part --------------
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matthew lange
2013-05-01 20:10:10 UTC
+1 for demos/screen casts before nuts/bolts
Post by Steve McMahon
Hi Trish,
It could probably be any time after the symposium (sprints end June 9).
Thursday and Friday noons are often busy. Other than that, I'm usually
Some diazo demos would be great! In fact, maybe we should start with
those, then move to nuts and bolts.
Post by Ang, Trish
Hi Steve!
That's a great idea. Let me know any date you want to hold that
(ideally Tuesday or Thursday?), and we'll find a spot on campus for you. :)
Additionally, we've been using a few UC Davis style themes with Diazo
on some new websites, and can run through a demo of that afterwards if it's
From: Steve McMahon <steve at dcn.org>
Reply-To: Zope/Plone Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us
Date: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 5:43 PM
To: Zope/Plone Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] FW: [Plone] FW: Plone Symposium June 2-9
As you might guess, I'll be there :)
By the way, I'll be giving a talk on Diazo that I'd be happy to give to
*Diazo: How it works*
*Diazo is the new Plone theming tool that ships with Plone 4.2+, with
a built in theme editor in Plone 4.3.*
The purpose of this talk is not to get into the guts of Diazo,
plone.app.theming or XSLT. Rather, it's to help the audience build a good
mental model of the steps Diazo uses to build the final page. That mental
model pays off when you need to do something like move a portion of the
content from one place to another while keeping your ruleset simple.
Post by Ang, Trish
Anyone heading to the Plone Symposium this year?
From: <Wu>, Albert <albertwu at ucla.edu>
Date: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 3:58 PM
To: "plone at lists.ucla.edu" <plone at lists.ucla.edu>
Subject: [Plone] FW: Plone Symposium June 2-9
FYI. The Plone Symposium has a new location this year.
In addition to the usual Plone sessions, UCLA will be presenting with
Six Feet Up a new Plone content syndication product UCLA is releasing into
open source. If your schedule permits, please plan to join us in Oshkosh.
*Albert Wu*
*Senior Director*
*Information Management Services*
*UCLA IT Services*
*albertwu at ucla.edu*
*+1 310 825 1933*
From: UW Oshkosh <llce at uwosh.edu>
Reply-To: "llce at uwosh.edu" <llce at uwosh.edu>
Date: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 7:40 AM
To: Albert Wu <albertwu at ucla.edu>
Subject: Plone Symposium June 2-9
<http://s.rs6.net/t?e=ANPdNDxi1Qc&c=4&r=1> <http://s.rs6.net/t?e=ANPdNDxi1Qc&c=5&r=1> <http://myemail.constantcontact.com/.html?soid=1102200732159&aid=ANPdNDxi1Qc#fblike>
*Registrations are coming in. Reserve your spot at the
Plone Symposium Midwest!*
In addition to two days of keynotes and talks (June 5-6), the Midwest
Plone Symposium also offers three days of training<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRV8FX-KykHSVivnJJSUfEBF_qhavd2Sv4N8kHbUxK6LJpL8whX_sYa7RjM-JmxB3tqhHeCtl4OL0dbXzKzZqN52hgo4tn51DU-rCBX1DgCp6z3Ik6suuMi5TOIg5RSSwB4=>before the conference and three
days of sprints<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRX7crXLMYw9w27EG2Wq8aPNoN9xGmGV-gpIulmAjoofYMD4RGqKtgKRhljmXSDVw3wK0rj8olCnGVzPU2nKXqH2Qhr74IFiNEgrftYdCfjik1e1BbFkjQrc6kbYkBwXcso=>after!
*Training topics include:*
- Fundamentals of Python
- Plone 4 Theming
- Creating Plone Content Types with Dexterity
- Power up your Plone Development
- Plone 101
- Leading through Change
The trainers this year are true experts in their fields. Trainings are
engaging experiences that allow you to learn in an instructional setting.
This year's symposium offers something for everyone. Visit our website
for keynote and talk descriptions<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRWv-KiiSDNj1e20M2s3mXW_F-fn7S3e1Ut3V7HURyILBHPc7IzFNeOfJ87yzhPizIgSXKouLOHfYvgD5U_g7U2QDsO62KmmGeGCqJz9WVcmwqSgd6rhMFdE>and to register online.
Register online today >><http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRVykuiEumWiHUxA0PpXmfFDEB6phWwPAXNtgkPgvcX1tnTRq3GzAuVzPPDN6zh_HkHJVMcPnl3T4DjLh1bUxxHAZRrkgxnFEMUIp0_t_NLYFzYEUdY3aPKxdivdkIwx7aolLYJukImpOdtsEKkP6BoDZKxeWLLT_oI=>
The registration fee is $275.
Registration includes the June 5-6 Symposium and optional sprints (June 7, 8 and 9).
Training session registration is handled by the individual trainer. Visit
the training page for more information<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRV8FX-KykHSVivnJJSUfEBF_qhavd2Sv4N8kHbUxK6LJpL8whX_sYa7RjM-JmxB3tqhHeCtl4OL0dbXzKzZqN52hgo4tn51DU-rCBX1DgCp6z3Ik6suuMi5TOIg5RSSwB4=>
Stay connected to Plone Symposium Midwest, and get the latest news!
Join us on Facebook]<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRVTKx304JNIZoFJuCfzPkwhLmlIQ9Rj1u5fQ6EQzGOEzghchHAxcJEoGo10GExjfrYfuDaBTXGOa8XkGfxZx_vgUNekkjPw4e-nJfoOq9g7DcNN5XPvazH2RPgLZFSu-I_SzBhha4fOTg==>
You can also join our mailing list<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRUZOVApbhQlnIgk7duSOeW98ozCS_e25qWg01Trvjkm0MJAdidQ02kdABEturmtHNpE8FKiQ-JAbXxVVw9XMzc8EedjZib0R1ctPfseht3f8gdcoXv90DphjM7-lkw3zKqFBvxj9p6SYDnAg3vqdTbKAvLX5bYAC7Dtt-gh5nrPsA==>!
Forward this email<http://ui.constantcontact.com/sa/fwtf.jsp?llr=4p5qeqcab&m=1102200732159&ea=albertwu%40ucla.edu&a=1113235160940>
This email was sent to albertwu at ucla.edu by llce at uwosh.edu |
Update Profile/Email Address<http://visitor.constantcontact.com/do?p=oo&mse=001tAx93SxsVPcCPNqI4Ha0_ovnzxqByF9qWitPwhQrBrk%3D&t=001CA3CzfnS7EKTZSnuiT1n8A%3D%3D&llr=4p5qeqcab>
| Instant removal with SafeUnsubscribe<http://visitor.constantcontact.com/do?p=un&mse=001tAx93SxsVPcCPNqI4Ha0_ovnzxqByF9qWitPwhQrBrk%3D&t=001CA3CzfnS7EKTZSnuiT1n8A%3D%3D&llr=4p5qeqcab>?
| Privacy Policy<http://ui.constantcontact.com/roving/CCPrivacyPolicy.jsp>
University of Wisconsin Oshkosh | 800 Algoma Blvd | Oshkosh | WI | 54901
ZUGOD-Discuss mailing list
ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us
ZUGOD-Discuss mailing list
ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us
ZUGOD-Discuss mailing list
ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us
-------------- next part --------------
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Carol McMasters-Stone
2013-05-01 20:17:29 UTC
I have working themes, too. Altho Trish's are probably prettier than mine ;-)


From: matthew lange <mateolan at gmail.com<mailto:mateolan at gmail.com>>
Reply-To: Zope/Plone Users' Group of Davis Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Date: Wednesday, May 1, 2013 1:10 PM
To: Zope/Plone Users' Group of Davis Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] FW: [Plone] FW: Plone Symposium June 2-9

+1 for demos/screen casts before nuts/bolts

On Wed, May 1, 2013 at 12:57 PM, Steve McMahon <steve at dcn.org<mailto:steve at dcn.org>> wrote:
Hi Trish,

It could probably be any time after the symposium (sprints end June 9). Thursday and Friday noons are often busy. Other than that, I'm usually flexible.

Some diazo demos would be great! In fact, maybe we should start with those, then move to nuts and bolts.


On Wed, May 1, 2013 at 12:13 PM, Ang, Trish <pgang at ucdavis.edu<mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu>> wrote:
Hi Steve!

That's a great idea. Let me know any date you want to hold that (ideally Tuesday or Thursday?), and we'll find a spot on campus for you. :)

Additionally, we've been using a few UC Davis style themes with Diazo on some new websites, and can run through a demo of that afterwards if it's useful.


From: Steve McMahon <steve at dcn.org<mailto:steve at dcn.org>>
Reply-To: Zope/Plone Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Date: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 5:43 PM
To: Zope/Plone Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] FW: [Plone] FW: Plone Symposium June 2-9

As you might guess, I'll be there :)

By the way, I'll be giving a talk on Diazo that I'd be happy to give to local folks, if you're interested, some time after the symposium:

Diazo: How it works

Diazo is the new Plone theming tool that ships with Plone 4.2+, with a built in theme editor in Plone 4.3.

The purpose of this talk is not to get into the guts of Diazo, plone.app.theming or XSLT. Rather, it's to help the audience build a good mental model of the steps Diazo uses to build the final page. That mental model pays off when you need to do something like move a portion of the content from one place to another while keeping your ruleset simple.

On Tue, Apr 30, 2013 at 4:05 PM, Ang, Trish <pgang at ucdavis.edu<mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu>> wrote:
Anyone heading to the Plone Symposium this year?

From: <Wu>, Albert <albertwu at ucla.edu<mailto:albertwu at ucla.edu>>
Date: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 3:58 PM
To: "plone at lists.ucla.edu<mailto:plone at lists.ucla.edu>" <plone at lists.ucla.edu<mailto:plone at lists.ucla.edu>>
Subject: [Plone] FW: Plone Symposium June 2-9

FYI. The Plone Symposium has a new location this year.

In addition to the usual Plone sessions, UCLA will be presenting with Six Feet Up a new Plone content syndication product UCLA is releasing into open source. If your schedule permits, please plan to join us in Oshkosh.

Albert Wu
Senior Director
Information Management Services
UCLA IT Services
albertwu at ucla.edu<mailto:albertwu at ucla.edu>
+1 310 825 1933<tel:%2B1%20310%20825%201933>

From: UW Oshkosh <llce at uwosh.edu<mailto:llce at uwosh.edu>>
Reply-To: "llce at uwosh.edu<mailto:llce at uwosh.edu>" <llce at uwosh.edu<mailto:llce at uwosh.edu>>
Date: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 7:40 AM
To: Albert Wu <albertwu at ucla.edu<mailto:albertwu at ucla.edu>>
Subject: Plone Symposium June 2-9

[X] [X] <http://s.rs6.net/t?e=ANPdNDxi1Qc&c=1&r=1> [X] <http://s.rs6.net/t?e=ANPdNDxi1Qc&c=3&r=1> [X] <http://s.rs6.net/t?e=ANPdNDxi1Qc&c=4&r=1> [X] [X] <http://s.rs6.net/t?e=ANPdNDxi1Qc&c=5&r=1> [X] [X] <http://myemail.constantcontact.com/.html?soid=1102200732159&aid=ANPdNDxi1Qc#fblike>


Registrations are coming in. Reserve your spot at the Plone Symposium Midwest!

In addition to two days of keynotes and talks (June 5-6), the Midwest Plone Symposium also offers three days of training<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRV8FX-KykHSVivnJJSUfEBF_qhavd2Sv4N8kHbUxK6LJpL8whX_sYa7RjM-JmxB3tqhHeCtl4OL0dbXzKzZqN52hgo4tn51DU-rCBX1DgCp6z3Ik6suuMi5TOIg5RSSwB4=> before the conference and three days of sprints<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRX7crXLMYw9w27EG2Wq8aPNoN9xGmGV-gpIulmAjoofYMD4RGqKtgKRhljmXSDVw3wK0rj8olCnGVzPU2nKXqH2Qhr74IFiNEgrftYdCfjik1e1BbFkjQrc6kbYkBwXcso=> after!

Training topics include:

* Fundamentals of Python
* Plone 4 Theming
* Creating Plone Content Types with Dexterity
* Power up your Plone Development
* Plone 101
* Leading through Change

The trainers this year are true experts in their fields. Trainings are engaging experiences that allow you to learn in an instructional setting.

This year's symposium offers something for everyone. Visit our website for keynote and talk descriptions<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRWv-KiiSDNj1e20M2s3mXW_F-fn7S3e1Ut3V7HURyILBHPc7IzFNeOfJ87yzhPizIgSXKouLOHfYvgD5U_g7U2QDsO62KmmGeGCqJz9WVcmwqSgd6rhMFdE> and to register online.

Register online today >><http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRVykuiEumWiHUxA0PpXmfFDEB6phWwPAXNtgkPgvcX1tnTRq3GzAuVzPPDN6zh_HkHJVMcPnl3T4DjLh1bUxxHAZRrkgxnFEMUIp0_t_NLYFzYEUdY3aPKxdivdkIwx7aolLYJukImpOdtsEKkP6BoDZKxeWLLT_oI=>

The registration fee is $275.

Registration includes the June 5-6 Symposium and optional sprints (June 7, 8 and 9).

Training session registration is handled by the individual trainer. Visit the training page for more information<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRV8FX-KykHSVivnJJSUfEBF_qhavd2Sv4N8kHbUxK6LJpL8whX_sYa7RjM-JmxB3tqhHeCtl4OL0dbXzKzZqN52hgo4tn51DU-rCBX1DgCp6z3Ik6suuMi5TOIg5RSSwB4=>.

Stay connected to Plone Symposium Midwest, and get the latest news!
[LLCE twitter icon 128]<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRUjlLNmbSiImccXL9uO-x0-E89Wa9_cxQFIaGtjTkss404vyPH4uvon66tsRNUTULwv4CMe9SJBZS46ugafZ3meBKmFPRiQe4qgpPwz8mXVAsjFix2B7YjS>[Join us on Facebook]<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRVTKx304JNIZoFJuCfzPkwhLmlIQ9Rj1u5fQ6EQzGOEzghchHAxcJEoGo10GExjfrYfuDaBTXGOa8XkGfxZx_vgUNekkjPw4e-nJfoOq9g7DcNN5XPvazH2RPgLZFSu-I_SzBhha4fOTg==>

You can also join our mailing list<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRUZOVApbhQlnIgk7duSOeW98ozCS_e25qWg01Trvjkm0MJAdidQ02kdABEturmtHNpE8FKiQ-JAbXxVVw9XMzc8EedjZib0R1ctPfseht3f8gdcoXv90DphjM7-lkw3zKqFBvxj9p6SYDnAg3vqdTbKAvLX5bYAC7Dtt-gh5nrPsA==>!

Forward this email<http://ui.constantcontact.com/sa/fwtf.jsp?llr=4p5qeqcab&m=1102200732159&ea=albertwu%40ucla.edu&a=1113235160940>
[X]<http://visitor.constantcontact.com/do?p=un&mse=001tAx93SxsVPcCPNqI4Ha0_ovnzxqByF9qWitPwhQrBrk%3D&t=001CA3CzfnS7EKTZSnuiT1n8A%3D%3D&llr=4p5qeqcab> [X] <http://www.constantcontact.com/index.jsp?cc=TEM_Hisp_232>
This email was sent to albertwu at ucla.edu<mailto:albertwu at ucla.edu> by llce at uwosh.edu<mailto:llce at uwosh.edu> |
Update Profile/Email Address<http://visitor.constantcontact.com/do?p=oo&mse=001tAx93SxsVPcCPNqI4Ha0_ovnzxqByF9qWitPwhQrBrk%3D&t=001CA3CzfnS7EKTZSnuiT1n8A%3D%3D&llr=4p5qeqcab>| Instant removal with SafeUnsubscribe<http://visitor.constantcontact.com/do?p=un&mse=001tAx93SxsVPcCPNqI4Ha0_ovnzxqByF9qWitPwhQrBrk%3D&t=001CA3CzfnS7EKTZSnuiT1n8A%3D%3D&llr=4p5qeqcab>? | Privacy Policy<http://ui.constantcontact.com/roving/CCPrivacyPolicy.jsp>.

University of Wisconsin Oshkosh | 800 Algoma Blvd | Oshkosh | WI | 54901

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ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>

ZUGOD-Discuss mailing list
ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>

ZUGOD-Discuss mailing list
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Ang, Trish
2013-05-02 17:45:34 UTC
No way, Carol! If anything, your themes are probably more reliable / less buggy. ;)

Great, thanks Steve! How about Tuesday June 11, or if that's too soon after your trip, June 18? Would a 12:00pm meeting work for folks?

From: Carol McMasters-Stone <cbeck at ucdavis.edu<mailto:cbeck at ucdavis.edu>>
Reply-To: Zope/Plone Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Date: Wednesday, May 1, 2013 1:17 PM
To: Zope/Plone Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] FW: [Plone] FW: Plone Symposium June 2-9

I have working themes, too. Altho Trish's are probably prettier than mine ;-)


From: matthew lange <mateolan at gmail.com<mailto:mateolan at gmail.com>>
Reply-To: Zope/Plone Users' Group of Davis Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Date: Wednesday, May 1, 2013 1:10 PM
To: Zope/Plone Users' Group of Davis Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] FW: [Plone] FW: Plone Symposium June 2-9

+1 for demos/screen casts before nuts/bolts

On Wed, May 1, 2013 at 12:57 PM, Steve McMahon <steve at dcn.org<mailto:steve at dcn.org>> wrote:
Hi Trish,

It could probably be any time after the symposium (sprints end June 9). Thursday and Friday noons are often busy. Other than that, I'm usually flexible.

Some diazo demos would be great! In fact, maybe we should start with those, then move to nuts and bolts.


On Wed, May 1, 2013 at 12:13 PM, Ang, Trish <pgang at ucdavis.edu<mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu>> wrote:
Hi Steve!

That's a great idea. Let me know any date you want to hold that (ideally Tuesday or Thursday?), and we'll find a spot on campus for you. :)

Additionally, we've been using a few UC Davis style themes with Diazo on some new websites, and can run through a demo of that afterwards if it's useful.


From: Steve McMahon <steve at dcn.org<mailto:steve at dcn.org>>
Reply-To: Zope/Plone Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Date: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 5:43 PM
To: Zope/Plone Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] FW: [Plone] FW: Plone Symposium June 2-9

As you might guess, I'll be there :)

By the way, I'll be giving a talk on Diazo that I'd be happy to give to local folks, if you're interested, some time after the symposium:

Diazo: How it works

Diazo is the new Plone theming tool that ships with Plone 4.2+, with a built in theme editor in Plone 4.3.

The purpose of this talk is not to get into the guts of Diazo, plone.app.theming or XSLT. Rather, it's to help the audience build a good mental model of the steps Diazo uses to build the final page. That mental model pays off when you need to do something like move a portion of the content from one place to another while keeping your ruleset simple.

On Tue, Apr 30, 2013 at 4:05 PM, Ang, Trish <pgang at ucdavis.edu<mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu>> wrote:
Anyone heading to the Plone Symposium this year?

From: <Wu>, Albert <albertwu at ucla.edu<mailto:albertwu at ucla.edu>>
Date: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 3:58 PM
To: "plone at lists.ucla.edu<mailto:plone at lists.ucla.edu>" <plone at lists.ucla.edu<mailto:plone at lists.ucla.edu>>
Subject: [Plone] FW: Plone Symposium June 2-9

FYI. The Plone Symposium has a new location this year.

In addition to the usual Plone sessions, UCLA will be presenting with Six Feet Up a new Plone content syndication product UCLA is releasing into open source. If your schedule permits, please plan to join us in Oshkosh.

Albert Wu
Senior Director
Information Management Services
UCLA IT Services
albertwu at ucla.edu<mailto:albertwu at ucla.edu>
+1 310 825 1933<tel:%2B1%20310%20825%201933>

From: UW Oshkosh <llce at uwosh.edu<mailto:llce at uwosh.edu>>
Reply-To: "llce at uwosh.edu<mailto:llce at uwosh.edu>" <llce at uwosh.edu<mailto:llce at uwosh.edu>>
Date: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 7:40 AM
To: Albert Wu <albertwu at ucla.edu<mailto:albertwu at ucla.edu>>
Subject: Plone Symposium June 2-9

[X] [X] <http://s.rs6.net/t?e=ANPdNDxi1Qc&c=1&r=1> [X] <http://s.rs6.net/t?e=ANPdNDxi1Qc&c=3&r=1> [X] <http://s.rs6.net/t?e=ANPdNDxi1Qc&c=4&r=1> [X] [X] <http://s.rs6.net/t?e=ANPdNDxi1Qc&c=5&r=1> [X] [X] <http://myemail.constantcontact.com/.html?soid=1102200732159&aid=ANPdNDxi1Qc#fblike>


Registrations are coming in. Reserve your spot at the Plone Symposium Midwest!

In addition to two days of keynotes and talks (June 5-6), the Midwest Plone Symposium also offers three days of training<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRV8FX-KykHSVivnJJSUfEBF_qhavd2Sv4N8kHbUxK6LJpL8whX_sYa7RjM-JmxB3tqhHeCtl4OL0dbXzKzZqN52hgo4tn51DU-rCBX1DgCp6z3Ik6suuMi5TOIg5RSSwB4=> before the conference and three days of sprints<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRX7crXLMYw9w27EG2Wq8aPNoN9xGmGV-gpIulmAjoofYMD4RGqKtgKRhljmXSDVw3wK0rj8olCnGVzPU2nKXqH2Qhr74IFiNEgrftYdCfjik1e1BbFkjQrc6kbYkBwXcso=> after!

Training topics include:

* Fundamentals of Python
* Plone 4 Theming
* Creating Plone Content Types with Dexterity
* Power up your Plone Development
* Plone 101
* Leading through Change

The trainers this year are true experts in their fields. Trainings are engaging experiences that allow you to learn in an instructional setting.

This year's symposium offers something for everyone. Visit our website for keynote and talk descriptions<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRWv-KiiSDNj1e20M2s3mXW_F-fn7S3e1Ut3V7HURyILBHPc7IzFNeOfJ87yzhPizIgSXKouLOHfYvgD5U_g7U2QDsO62KmmGeGCqJz9WVcmwqSgd6rhMFdE> and to register online.

Register online today >><http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRVykuiEumWiHUxA0PpXmfFDEB6phWwPAXNtgkPgvcX1tnTRq3GzAuVzPPDN6zh_HkHJVMcPnl3T4DjLh1bUxxHAZRrkgxnFEMUIp0_t_NLYFzYEUdY3aPKxdivdkIwx7aolLYJukImpOdtsEKkP6BoDZKxeWLLT_oI=>

The registration fee is $275.

Registration includes the June 5-6 Symposium and optional sprints (June 7, 8 and 9).

Training session registration is handled by the individual trainer. Visit the training page for more information<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRV8FX-KykHSVivnJJSUfEBF_qhavd2Sv4N8kHbUxK6LJpL8whX_sYa7RjM-JmxB3tqhHeCtl4OL0dbXzKzZqN52hgo4tn51DU-rCBX1DgCp6z3Ik6suuMi5TOIg5RSSwB4=>.

Stay connected to Plone Symposium Midwest, and get the latest news!
[LLCE twitter icon 128]<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRUjlLNmbSiImccXL9uO-x0-E89Wa9_cxQFIaGtjTkss404vyPH4uvon66tsRNUTULwv4CMe9SJBZS46ugafZ3meBKmFPRiQe4qgpPwz8mXVAsjFix2B7YjS>[Join us on Facebook]<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRVTKx304JNIZoFJuCfzPkwhLmlIQ9Rj1u5fQ6EQzGOEzghchHAxcJEoGo10GExjfrYfuDaBTXGOa8XkGfxZx_vgUNekkjPw4e-nJfoOq9g7DcNN5XPvazH2RPgLZFSu-I_SzBhha4fOTg==>

You can also join our mailing list<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRUZOVApbhQlnIgk7duSOeW98ozCS_e25qWg01Trvjkm0MJAdidQ02kdABEturmtHNpE8FKiQ-JAbXxVVw9XMzc8EedjZib0R1ctPfseht3f8gdcoXv90DphjM7-lkw3zKqFBvxj9p6SYDnAg3vqdTbKAvLX5bYAC7Dtt-gh5nrPsA==>!

Forward this email<http://ui.constantcontact.com/sa/fwtf.jsp?llr=4p5qeqcab&m=1102200732159&ea=albertwu%40ucla.edu&a=1113235160940>
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This email was sent to albertwu at ucla.edu<mailto:albertwu at ucla.edu> by llce at uwosh.edu<mailto:llce at uwosh.edu> |
Update Profile/Email Address<http://visitor.constantcontact.com/do?p=oo&mse=001tAx93SxsVPcCPNqI4Ha0_ovnzxqByF9qWitPwhQrBrk%3D&t=001CA3CzfnS7EKTZSnuiT1n8A%3D%3D&llr=4p5qeqcab>| Instant removal with SafeUnsubscribe<http://visitor.constantcontact.com/do?p=un&mse=001tAx93SxsVPcCPNqI4Ha0_ovnzxqByF9qWitPwhQrBrk%3D&t=001CA3CzfnS7EKTZSnuiT1n8A%3D%3D&llr=4p5qeqcab>? | Privacy Policy<http://ui.constantcontact.com/roving/CCPrivacyPolicy.jsp>.

University of Wisconsin Oshkosh | 800 Algoma Blvd | Oshkosh | WI | 54901

ZUGOD-Discuss mailing list
ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>

ZUGOD-Discuss mailing list
ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>

ZUGOD-Discuss mailing list
ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>

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Steve McMahon
2013-05-02 21:56:09 UTC
June 11 would be fine. This will be fun!
Post by Ang, Trish
No way, Carol! If anything, your themes are probably more reliable / less buggy. ;)
Great, thanks Steve! How about Tuesday June 11, or if that's too soon
after your trip, June 18? Would a 12:00pm meeting work for folks?
From: Carol McMasters-Stone <cbeck at ucdavis.edu>
Reply-To: Zope/Plone Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>
Date: Wednesday, May 1, 2013 1:17 PM
To: Zope/Plone Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] FW: [Plone] FW: Plone Symposium June 2-9
I have working themes, too. Altho Trish's are probably prettier than mine ;-)
From: matthew lange <mateolan at gmail.com>
Reply-To: Zope/Plone Users' Group of Davis Discussion <
zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>
Date: Wednesday, May 1, 2013 1:10 PM
To: Zope/Plone Users' Group of Davis Discussion <
zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] FW: [Plone] FW: Plone Symposium June 2-9
+1 for demos/screen casts before nuts/bolts
Post by Steve McMahon
Hi Trish,
It could probably be any time after the symposium (sprints end June 9).
Thursday and Friday noons are often busy. Other than that, I'm usually
Some diazo demos would be great! In fact, maybe we should start with
those, then move to nuts and bolts.
Post by Ang, Trish
Hi Steve!
That's a great idea. Let me know any date you want to hold that
(ideally Tuesday or Thursday?), and we'll find a spot on campus for you. :)
Additionally, we've been using a few UC Davis style themes with Diazo
on some new websites, and can run through a demo of that afterwards if it's
From: Steve McMahon <steve at dcn.org>
Reply-To: Zope/Plone Discussion <
zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>
Date: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 5:43 PM
To: Zope/Plone Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] FW: [Plone] FW: Plone Symposium June 2-9
As you might guess, I'll be there :)
By the way, I'll be giving a talk on Diazo that I'd be happy to give
*Diazo: How it works*
*Diazo is the new Plone theming tool that ships with Plone 4.2+, with
a built in theme editor in Plone 4.3.*
The purpose of this talk is not to get into the guts of Diazo,
plone.app.theming or XSLT. Rather, it's to help the audience build a good
mental model of the steps Diazo uses to build the final page. That mental
model pays off when you need to do something like move a portion of the
content from one place to another while keeping your ruleset simple.
Post by Ang, Trish
Anyone heading to the Plone Symposium this year?
From: <Wu>, Albert <albertwu at ucla.edu>
Date: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 3:58 PM
To: "plone at lists.ucla.edu" <plone at lists.ucla.edu>
Subject: [Plone] FW: Plone Symposium June 2-9
FYI. The Plone Symposium has a new location this year.
In addition to the usual Plone sessions, UCLA will be presenting with
Six Feet Up a new Plone content syndication product UCLA is releasing into
open source. If your schedule permits, please plan to join us in Oshkosh.
*Albert Wu*
*Senior Director*
*Information Management Services*
*UCLA IT Services*
*albertwu at ucla.edu*
*+1 310 825 1933*
From: UW Oshkosh <llce at uwosh.edu>
Reply-To: "llce at uwosh.edu" <llce at uwosh.edu>
Date: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 7:40 AM
To: Albert Wu <albertwu at ucla.edu>
Subject: Plone Symposium June 2-9
<http://s.rs6.net/t?e=ANPdNDxi1Qc&c=4&r=1> <http://s.rs6.net/t?e=ANPdNDxi1Qc&c=5&r=1> <http://myemail.constantcontact.com/.html?soid=1102200732159&aid=ANPdNDxi1Qc#fblike>
*Registrations are coming in. Reserve your spot at the
Plone Symposium Midwest!*
In addition to two days of keynotes and talks (June 5-6), the Midwest
Plone Symposium also offers three days of training<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRV8FX-KykHSVivnJJSUfEBF_qhavd2Sv4N8kHbUxK6LJpL8whX_sYa7RjM-JmxB3tqhHeCtl4OL0dbXzKzZqN52hgo4tn51DU-rCBX1DgCp6z3Ik6suuMi5TOIg5RSSwB4=>before the conference and three
days of sprints<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRX7crXLMYw9w27EG2Wq8aPNoN9xGmGV-gpIulmAjoofYMD4RGqKtgKRhljmXSDVw3wK0rj8olCnGVzPU2nKXqH2Qhr74IFiNEgrftYdCfjik1e1BbFkjQrc6kbYkBwXcso=>after!
*Training topics include:*
- Fundamentals of Python
- Plone 4 Theming
- Creating Plone Content Types with Dexterity
- Power up your Plone Development
- Plone 101
- Leading through Change
The trainers this year are true experts in their fields. Trainings
are engaging experiences that allow you to learn in an instructional
This year's symposium offers something for everyone. Visit our website
for keynote and talk descriptions<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRWv-KiiSDNj1e20M2s3mXW_F-fn7S3e1Ut3V7HURyILBHPc7IzFNeOfJ87yzhPizIgSXKouLOHfYvgD5U_g7U2QDsO62KmmGeGCqJz9WVcmwqSgd6rhMFdE>and to register online.
Register online today >><http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRVykuiEumWiHUxA0PpXmfFDEB6phWwPAXNtgkPgvcX1tnTRq3GzAuVzPPDN6zh_HkHJVMcPnl3T4DjLh1bUxxHAZRrkgxnFEMUIp0_t_NLYFzYEUdY3aPKxdivdkIwx7aolLYJukImpOdtsEKkP6BoDZKxeWLLT_oI=>
The registration fee is $275.
Registration includes the June 5-6 Symposium and optional sprints (June 7, 8 and 9).
Training session registration is handled by the individual trainer. Visit
the training page for more information<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRV8FX-KykHSVivnJJSUfEBF_qhavd2Sv4N8kHbUxK6LJpL8whX_sYa7RjM-JmxB3tqhHeCtl4OL0dbXzKzZqN52hgo4tn51DU-rCBX1DgCp6z3Ik6suuMi5TOIg5RSSwB4=>
Stay connected to Plone Symposium Midwest, and get the latest news!
Join us on Facebook]<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRVTKx304JNIZoFJuCfzPkwhLmlIQ9Rj1u5fQ6EQzGOEzghchHAxcJEoGo10GExjfrYfuDaBTXGOa8XkGfxZx_vgUNekkjPw4e-nJfoOq9g7DcNN5XPvazH2RPgLZFSu-I_SzBhha4fOTg==>
You can also join our mailing list<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRUZOVApbhQlnIgk7duSOeW98ozCS_e25qWg01Trvjkm0MJAdidQ02kdABEturmtHNpE8FKiQ-JAbXxVVw9XMzc8EedjZib0R1ctPfseht3f8gdcoXv90DphjM7-lkw3zKqFBvxj9p6SYDnAg3vqdTbKAvLX5bYAC7Dtt-gh5nrPsA==>!
Forward this email<http://ui.constantcontact.com/sa/fwtf.jsp?llr=4p5qeqcab&m=1102200732159&ea=albertwu%40ucla.edu&a=1113235160940>
This email was sent to albertwu at ucla.edu by llce at uwosh.edu |
Update Profile/Email Address<http://visitor.constantcontact.com/do?p=oo&mse=001tAx93SxsVPcCPNqI4Ha0_ovnzxqByF9qWitPwhQrBrk%3D&t=001CA3CzfnS7EKTZSnuiT1n8A%3D%3D&llr=4p5qeqcab>
| Instant removal with SafeUnsubscribe<http://visitor.constantcontact.com/do?p=un&mse=001tAx93SxsVPcCPNqI4Ha0_ovnzxqByF9qWitPwhQrBrk%3D&t=001CA3CzfnS7EKTZSnuiT1n8A%3D%3D&llr=4p5qeqcab>?
| Privacy Policy<http://ui.constantcontact.com/roving/CCPrivacyPolicy.jsp>
University of Wisconsin Oshkosh | 800 Algoma Blvd | Oshkosh | WI | 54901
ZUGOD-Discuss mailing list
ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us
ZUGOD-Discuss mailing list
ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us
ZUGOD-Discuss mailing list
ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us
ZUGOD-Discuss mailing list
ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us
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Carol McMasters-Stone
2013-05-02 22:02:31 UTC
Jeremy and I are both out of town the week of the 11th. We'll be back the following week, but 7/18 and 7/19 are the IT Security Symposium on campus. I think we're both attending that.


From: Steve McMahon <steve at dcn.org<mailto:steve at dcn.org>>
Reply-To: Zope/Plone Users' Group of Davis Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Date: Thursday, May 2, 2013 2:56 PM
To: Zope/Plone Users' Group of Davis Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] FW: [Plone] FW: Plone Symposium June 2-9

June 11 would be fine. This will be fun!

On Thu, May 2, 2013 at 10:45 AM, Ang, Trish <pgang at ucdavis.edu<mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu>> wrote:
No way, Carol! If anything, your themes are probably more reliable / less buggy. ;)

Great, thanks Steve! How about Tuesday June 11, or if that's too soon after your trip, June 18? Would a 12:00pm meeting work for folks?

From: Carol McMasters-Stone <cbeck at ucdavis.edu<mailto:cbeck at ucdavis.edu>>
Reply-To: Zope/Plone Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Date: Wednesday, May 1, 2013 1:17 PM

To: Zope/Plone Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] FW: [Plone] FW: Plone Symposium June 2-9

I have working themes, too. Altho Trish's are probably prettier than mine ;-)


From: matthew lange <mateolan at gmail.com<mailto:mateolan at gmail.com>>
Reply-To: Zope/Plone Users' Group of Davis Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Date: Wednesday, May 1, 2013 1:10 PM
To: Zope/Plone Users' Group of Davis Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] FW: [Plone] FW: Plone Symposium June 2-9

+1 for demos/screen casts before nuts/bolts

On Wed, May 1, 2013 at 12:57 PM, Steve McMahon <steve at dcn.org<mailto:steve at dcn.org>> wrote:
Hi Trish,

It could probably be any time after the symposium (sprints end June 9). Thursday and Friday noons are often busy. Other than that, I'm usually flexible.

Some diazo demos would be great! In fact, maybe we should start with those, then move to nuts and bolts.


On Wed, May 1, 2013 at 12:13 PM, Ang, Trish <pgang at ucdavis.edu<mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu>> wrote:
Hi Steve!

That's a great idea. Let me know any date you want to hold that (ideally Tuesday or Thursday?), and we'll find a spot on campus for you. :)

Additionally, we've been using a few UC Davis style themes with Diazo on some new websites, and can run through a demo of that afterwards if it's useful.


From: Steve McMahon <steve at dcn.org<mailto:steve at dcn.org>>
Reply-To: Zope/Plone Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Date: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 5:43 PM
To: Zope/Plone Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] FW: [Plone] FW: Plone Symposium June 2-9

As you might guess, I'll be there :)

By the way, I'll be giving a talk on Diazo that I'd be happy to give to local folks, if you're interested, some time after the symposium:

Diazo: How it works

Diazo is the new Plone theming tool that ships with Plone 4.2+, with a built in theme editor in Plone 4.3.

The purpose of this talk is not to get into the guts of Diazo, plone.app.theming or XSLT. Rather, it's to help the audience build a good mental model of the steps Diazo uses to build the final page. That mental model pays off when you need to do something like move a portion of the content from one place to another while keeping your ruleset simple.

On Tue, Apr 30, 2013 at 4:05 PM, Ang, Trish <pgang at ucdavis.edu<mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu>> wrote:
Anyone heading to the Plone Symposium this year?

From: <Wu>, Albert <albertwu at ucla.edu<mailto:albertwu at ucla.edu>>
Date: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 3:58 PM
To: "plone at lists.ucla.edu<mailto:plone at lists.ucla.edu>" <plone at lists.ucla.edu<mailto:plone at lists.ucla.edu>>
Subject: [Plone] FW: Plone Symposium June 2-9

FYI. The Plone Symposium has a new location this year.

In addition to the usual Plone sessions, UCLA will be presenting with Six Feet Up a new Plone content syndication product UCLA is releasing into open source. If your schedule permits, please plan to join us in Oshkosh.

Albert Wu
Senior Director
Information Management Services
UCLA IT Services
albertwu at ucla.edu<mailto:albertwu at ucla.edu>
+1 310 825 1933<tel:%2B1%20310%20825%201933>

From: UW Oshkosh <llce at uwosh.edu<mailto:llce at uwosh.edu>>
Reply-To: "llce at uwosh.edu<mailto:llce at uwosh.edu>" <llce at uwosh.edu<mailto:llce at uwosh.edu>>
Date: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 7:40 AM
To: Albert Wu <albertwu at ucla.edu<mailto:albertwu at ucla.edu>>
Subject: Plone Symposium June 2-9

[X] [X] <http://s.rs6.net/t?e=ANPdNDxi1Qc&c=1&r=1> [X] <http://s.rs6.net/t?e=ANPdNDxi1Qc&c=3&r=1> [X] <http://s.rs6.net/t?e=ANPdNDxi1Qc&c=4&r=1> [X] [X] <http://s.rs6.net/t?e=ANPdNDxi1Qc&c=5&r=1> [X] [X] <http://myemail.constantcontact.com/.html?soid=1102200732159&aid=ANPdNDxi1Qc#fblike>


Registrations are coming in. Reserve your spot at the Plone Symposium Midwest!

In addition to two days of keynotes and talks (June 5-6), the Midwest Plone Symposium also offers three days of training<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRV8FX-KykHSVivnJJSUfEBF_qhavd2Sv4N8kHbUxK6LJpL8whX_sYa7RjM-JmxB3tqhHeCtl4OL0dbXzKzZqN52hgo4tn51DU-rCBX1DgCp6z3Ik6suuMi5TOIg5RSSwB4=> before the conference and three days of sprints<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRX7crXLMYw9w27EG2Wq8aPNoN9xGmGV-gpIulmAjoofYMD4RGqKtgKRhljmXSDVw3wK0rj8olCnGVzPU2nKXqH2Qhr74IFiNEgrftYdCfjik1e1BbFkjQrc6kbYkBwXcso=> after!

Training topics include:

* Fundamentals of Python
* Plone 4 Theming
* Creating Plone Content Types with Dexterity
* Power up your Plone Development
* Plone 101
* Leading through Change

The trainers this year are true experts in their fields. Trainings are engaging experiences that allow you to learn in an instructional setting.

This year's symposium offers something for everyone. Visit our website for keynote and talk descriptions<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRWv-KiiSDNj1e20M2s3mXW_F-fn7S3e1Ut3V7HURyILBHPc7IzFNeOfJ87yzhPizIgSXKouLOHfYvgD5U_g7U2QDsO62KmmGeGCqJz9WVcmwqSgd6rhMFdE> and to register online.

Register online today >><http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRVykuiEumWiHUxA0PpXmfFDEB6phWwPAXNtgkPgvcX1tnTRq3GzAuVzPPDN6zh_HkHJVMcPnl3T4DjLh1bUxxHAZRrkgxnFEMUIp0_t_NLYFzYEUdY3aPKxdivdkIwx7aolLYJukImpOdtsEKkP6BoDZKxeWLLT_oI=>

The registration fee is $275.

Registration includes the June 5-6 Symposium and optional sprints (June 7, 8 and 9).

Training session registration is handled by the individual trainer. Visit the training page for more information<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRV8FX-KykHSVivnJJSUfEBF_qhavd2Sv4N8kHbUxK6LJpL8whX_sYa7RjM-JmxB3tqhHeCtl4OL0dbXzKzZqN52hgo4tn51DU-rCBX1DgCp6z3Ik6suuMi5TOIg5RSSwB4=>.

Stay connected to Plone Symposium Midwest, and get the latest news!
[LLCE twitter icon 128]<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRUjlLNmbSiImccXL9uO-x0-E89Wa9_cxQFIaGtjTkss404vyPH4uvon66tsRNUTULwv4CMe9SJBZS46ugafZ3meBKmFPRiQe4qgpPwz8mXVAsjFix2B7YjS>[Join us on Facebook]<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRVTKx304JNIZoFJuCfzPkwhLmlIQ9Rj1u5fQ6EQzGOEzghchHAxcJEoGo10GExjfrYfuDaBTXGOa8XkGfxZx_vgUNekkjPw4e-nJfoOq9g7DcNN5XPvazH2RPgLZFSu-I_SzBhha4fOTg==>

You can also join our mailing list<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRUZOVApbhQlnIgk7duSOeW98ozCS_e25qWg01Trvjkm0MJAdidQ02kdABEturmtHNpE8FKiQ-JAbXxVVw9XMzc8EedjZib0R1ctPfseht3f8gdcoXv90DphjM7-lkw3zKqFBvxj9p6SYDnAg3vqdTbKAvLX5bYAC7Dtt-gh5nrPsA==>!

Forward this email<http://ui.constantcontact.com/sa/fwtf.jsp?llr=4p5qeqcab&m=1102200732159&ea=albertwu%40ucla.edu&a=1113235160940>
[X]<http://visitor.constantcontact.com/do?p=un&mse=001tAx93SxsVPcCPNqI4Ha0_ovnzxqByF9qWitPwhQrBrk%3D&t=001CA3CzfnS7EKTZSnuiT1n8A%3D%3D&llr=4p5qeqcab> [X] <http://www.constantcontact.com/index.jsp?cc=TEM_Hisp_232>
This email was sent to albertwu at ucla.edu<mailto:albertwu at ucla.edu> by llce at uwosh.edu<mailto:llce at uwosh.edu> |
Update Profile/Email Address<http://visitor.constantcontact.com/do?p=oo&mse=001tAx93SxsVPcCPNqI4Ha0_ovnzxqByF9qWitPwhQrBrk%3D&t=001CA3CzfnS7EKTZSnuiT1n8A%3D%3D&llr=4p5qeqcab>| Instant removal with SafeUnsubscribe<http://visitor.constantcontact.com/do?p=un&mse=001tAx93SxsVPcCPNqI4Ha0_ovnzxqByF9qWitPwhQrBrk%3D&t=001CA3CzfnS7EKTZSnuiT1n8A%3D%3D&llr=4p5qeqcab>? | Privacy Policy<http://ui.constantcontact.com/roving/CCPrivacyPolicy.jsp>.

University of Wisconsin Oshkosh | 800 Algoma Blvd | Oshkosh | WI | 54901

ZUGOD-Discuss mailing list
ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>

ZUGOD-Discuss mailing list
ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>

ZUGOD-Discuss mailing list
ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>

ZUGOD-Discuss mailing list
ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>

-------------- next part --------------
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Ang, Trish
2013-05-02 22:12:39 UTC
Doh! How does June 25th work for everyone?

From: Carol McMasters-Stone <cbeck at ucdavis.edu<mailto:cbeck at ucdavis.edu>>
Reply-To: Zope/Plone Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Date: Thursday, May 2, 2013 3:02 PM
To: Zope/Plone Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] FW: [Plone] FW: Plone Symposium June 2-9

Jeremy and I are both out of town the week of the 11th. We'll be back the following week, but 7/18 and 7/19 are the IT Security Symposium on campus. I think we're both attending that.


From: Steve McMahon <steve at dcn.org<mailto:steve at dcn.org>>
Reply-To: Zope/Plone Users' Group of Davis Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Date: Thursday, May 2, 2013 2:56 PM
To: Zope/Plone Users' Group of Davis Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] FW: [Plone] FW: Plone Symposium June 2-9

June 11 would be fine. This will be fun!

On Thu, May 2, 2013 at 10:45 AM, Ang, Trish <pgang at ucdavis.edu<mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu>> wrote:
No way, Carol! If anything, your themes are probably more reliable / less buggy. ;)

Great, thanks Steve! How about Tuesday June 11, or if that's too soon after your trip, June 18? Would a 12:00pm meeting work for folks?

From: Carol McMasters-Stone <cbeck at ucdavis.edu<mailto:cbeck at ucdavis.edu>>
Reply-To: Zope/Plone Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Date: Wednesday, May 1, 2013 1:17 PM

To: Zope/Plone Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] FW: [Plone] FW: Plone Symposium June 2-9

I have working themes, too. Altho Trish's are probably prettier than mine ;-)


From: matthew lange <mateolan at gmail.com<mailto:mateolan at gmail.com>>
Reply-To: Zope/Plone Users' Group of Davis Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Date: Wednesday, May 1, 2013 1:10 PM
To: Zope/Plone Users' Group of Davis Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] FW: [Plone] FW: Plone Symposium June 2-9

+1 for demos/screen casts before nuts/bolts

On Wed, May 1, 2013 at 12:57 PM, Steve McMahon <steve at dcn.org<mailto:steve at dcn.org>> wrote:
Hi Trish,

It could probably be any time after the symposium (sprints end June 9). Thursday and Friday noons are often busy. Other than that, I'm usually flexible.

Some diazo demos would be great! In fact, maybe we should start with those, then move to nuts and bolts.


On Wed, May 1, 2013 at 12:13 PM, Ang, Trish <pgang at ucdavis.edu<mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu>> wrote:
Hi Steve!

That's a great idea. Let me know any date you want to hold that (ideally Tuesday or Thursday?), and we'll find a spot on campus for you. :)

Additionally, we've been using a few UC Davis style themes with Diazo on some new websites, and can run through a demo of that afterwards if it's useful.


From: Steve McMahon <steve at dcn.org<mailto:steve at dcn.org>>
Reply-To: Zope/Plone Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Date: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 5:43 PM
To: Zope/Plone Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] FW: [Plone] FW: Plone Symposium June 2-9

As you might guess, I'll be there :)

By the way, I'll be giving a talk on Diazo that I'd be happy to give to local folks, if you're interested, some time after the symposium:

Diazo: How it works

Diazo is the new Plone theming tool that ships with Plone 4.2+, with a built in theme editor in Plone 4.3.

The purpose of this talk is not to get into the guts of Diazo, plone.app.theming or XSLT. Rather, it's to help the audience build a good mental model of the steps Diazo uses to build the final page. That mental model pays off when you need to do something like move a portion of the content from one place to another while keeping your ruleset simple.

On Tue, Apr 30, 2013 at 4:05 PM, Ang, Trish <pgang at ucdavis.edu<mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu>> wrote:
Anyone heading to the Plone Symposium this year?

From: <Wu>, Albert <albertwu at ucla.edu<mailto:albertwu at ucla.edu>>
Date: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 3:58 PM
To: "plone at lists.ucla.edu<mailto:plone at lists.ucla.edu>" <plone at lists.ucla.edu<mailto:plone at lists.ucla.edu>>
Subject: [Plone] FW: Plone Symposium June 2-9

FYI. The Plone Symposium has a new location this year.

In addition to the usual Plone sessions, UCLA will be presenting with Six Feet Up a new Plone content syndication product UCLA is releasing into open source. If your schedule permits, please plan to join us in Oshkosh.

Albert Wu
Senior Director
Information Management Services
UCLA IT Services
albertwu at ucla.edu<mailto:albertwu at ucla.edu>
+1 310 825 1933<tel:%2B1%20310%20825%201933>

From: UW Oshkosh <llce at uwosh.edu<mailto:llce at uwosh.edu>>
Reply-To: "llce at uwosh.edu<mailto:llce at uwosh.edu>" <llce at uwosh.edu<mailto:llce at uwosh.edu>>
Date: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 7:40 AM
To: Albert Wu <albertwu at ucla.edu<mailto:albertwu at ucla.edu>>
Subject: Plone Symposium June 2-9

[X] [X] <http://s.rs6.net/t?e=ANPdNDxi1Qc&c=1&r=1> [X] <http://s.rs6.net/t?e=ANPdNDxi1Qc&c=3&r=1> [X] <http://s.rs6.net/t?e=ANPdNDxi1Qc&c=4&r=1> [X] [X] <http://s.rs6.net/t?e=ANPdNDxi1Qc&c=5&r=1> [X] [X] <http://myemail.constantcontact.com/.html?soid=1102200732159&aid=ANPdNDxi1Qc#fblike>


Registrations are coming in. Reserve your spot at the Plone Symposium Midwest!

In addition to two days of keynotes and talks (June 5-6), the Midwest Plone Symposium also offers three days of training<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRV8FX-KykHSVivnJJSUfEBF_qhavd2Sv4N8kHbUxK6LJpL8whX_sYa7RjM-JmxB3tqhHeCtl4OL0dbXzKzZqN52hgo4tn51DU-rCBX1DgCp6z3Ik6suuMi5TOIg5RSSwB4=> before the conference and three days of sprints<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRX7crXLMYw9w27EG2Wq8aPNoN9xGmGV-gpIulmAjoofYMD4RGqKtgKRhljmXSDVw3wK0rj8olCnGVzPU2nKXqH2Qhr74IFiNEgrftYdCfjik1e1BbFkjQrc6kbYkBwXcso=> after!

Training topics include:

* Fundamentals of Python
* Plone 4 Theming
* Creating Plone Content Types with Dexterity
* Power up your Plone Development
* Plone 101
* Leading through Change

The trainers this year are true experts in their fields. Trainings are engaging experiences that allow you to learn in an instructional setting.

This year's symposium offers something for everyone. Visit our website for keynote and talk descriptions<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRWv-KiiSDNj1e20M2s3mXW_F-fn7S3e1Ut3V7HURyILBHPc7IzFNeOfJ87yzhPizIgSXKouLOHfYvgD5U_g7U2QDsO62KmmGeGCqJz9WVcmwqSgd6rhMFdE> and to register online.

Register online today >><http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRVykuiEumWiHUxA0PpXmfFDEB6phWwPAXNtgkPgvcX1tnTRq3GzAuVzPPDN6zh_HkHJVMcPnl3T4DjLh1bUxxHAZRrkgxnFEMUIp0_t_NLYFzYEUdY3aPKxdivdkIwx7aolLYJukImpOdtsEKkP6BoDZKxeWLLT_oI=>

The registration fee is $275.

Registration includes the June 5-6 Symposium and optional sprints (June 7, 8 and 9).

Training session registration is handled by the individual trainer. Visit the training page for more information<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRV8FX-KykHSVivnJJSUfEBF_qhavd2Sv4N8kHbUxK6LJpL8whX_sYa7RjM-JmxB3tqhHeCtl4OL0dbXzKzZqN52hgo4tn51DU-rCBX1DgCp6z3Ik6suuMi5TOIg5RSSwB4=>.

Stay connected to Plone Symposium Midwest, and get the latest news!
[LLCE twitter icon 128]<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRUjlLNmbSiImccXL9uO-x0-E89Wa9_cxQFIaGtjTkss404vyPH4uvon66tsRNUTULwv4CMe9SJBZS46ugafZ3meBKmFPRiQe4qgpPwz8mXVAsjFix2B7YjS>[Join us on Facebook]<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRVTKx304JNIZoFJuCfzPkwhLmlIQ9Rj1u5fQ6EQzGOEzghchHAxcJEoGo10GExjfrYfuDaBTXGOa8XkGfxZx_vgUNekkjPw4e-nJfoOq9g7DcNN5XPvazH2RPgLZFSu-I_SzBhha4fOTg==>

You can also join our mailing list<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRUZOVApbhQlnIgk7duSOeW98ozCS_e25qWg01Trvjkm0MJAdidQ02kdABEturmtHNpE8FKiQ-JAbXxVVw9XMzc8EedjZib0R1ctPfseht3f8gdcoXv90DphjM7-lkw3zKqFBvxj9p6SYDnAg3vqdTbKAvLX5bYAC7Dtt-gh5nrPsA==>!

Forward this email<http://ui.constantcontact.com/sa/fwtf.jsp?llr=4p5qeqcab&m=1102200732159&ea=albertwu%40ucla.edu&a=1113235160940>
[X]<http://visitor.constantcontact.com/do?p=un&mse=001tAx93SxsVPcCPNqI4Ha0_ovnzxqByF9qWitPwhQrBrk%3D&t=001CA3CzfnS7EKTZSnuiT1n8A%3D%3D&llr=4p5qeqcab> [X] <http://www.constantcontact.com/index.jsp?cc=TEM_Hisp_232>
This email was sent to albertwu at ucla.edu<mailto:albertwu at ucla.edu> by llce at uwosh.edu<mailto:llce at uwosh.edu> |
Update Profile/Email Address<http://visitor.constantcontact.com/do?p=oo&mse=001tAx93SxsVPcCPNqI4Ha0_ovnzxqByF9qWitPwhQrBrk%3D&t=001CA3CzfnS7EKTZSnuiT1n8A%3D%3D&llr=4p5qeqcab>| Instant removal with SafeUnsubscribe<http://visitor.constantcontact.com/do?p=un&mse=001tAx93SxsVPcCPNqI4Ha0_ovnzxqByF9qWitPwhQrBrk%3D&t=001CA3CzfnS7EKTZSnuiT1n8A%3D%3D&llr=4p5qeqcab>? | Privacy Policy<http://ui.constantcontact.com/roving/CCPrivacyPolicy.jsp>.

University of Wisconsin Oshkosh | 800 Algoma Blvd | Oshkosh | WI | 54901

ZUGOD-Discuss mailing list
ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>

ZUGOD-Discuss mailing list
ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>

ZUGOD-Discuss mailing list
ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>

ZUGOD-Discuss mailing list
ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>

-------------- next part --------------
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Steve McMahon
2013-05-02 23:13:29 UTC
Works for me!
Post by Ang, Trish
Doh! How does June 25th work for everyone?
From: Carol McMasters-Stone <cbeck at ucdavis.edu>
Reply-To: Zope/Plone Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>
Date: Thursday, May 2, 2013 3:02 PM
To: Zope/Plone Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] FW: [Plone] FW: Plone Symposium June 2-9
Jeremy and I are both out of town the week of the 11th. We'll be back
the following week, but 7/18 and 7/19 are the IT Security Symposium on
campus. I think we're both attending that.
From: Steve McMahon <steve at dcn.org>
Reply-To: Zope/Plone Users' Group of Davis Discussion <
zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>
Date: Thursday, May 2, 2013 2:56 PM
To: Zope/Plone Users' Group of Davis Discussion <
zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] FW: [Plone] FW: Plone Symposium June 2-9
June 11 would be fine. This will be fun!
Post by Ang, Trish
No way, Carol! If anything, your themes are probably more reliable / less buggy. ;)
Great, thanks Steve! How about Tuesday June 11, or if that's too soon
after your trip, June 18? Would a 12:00pm meeting work for folks?
From: Carol McMasters-Stone <cbeck at ucdavis.edu>
Reply-To: Zope/Plone Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us
Date: Wednesday, May 1, 2013 1:17 PM
To: Zope/Plone Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] FW: [Plone] FW: Plone Symposium June 2-9
I have working themes, too. Altho Trish's are probably prettier than mine ;-)
From: matthew lange <mateolan at gmail.com>
Reply-To: Zope/Plone Users' Group of Davis Discussion <
zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>
Date: Wednesday, May 1, 2013 1:10 PM
To: Zope/Plone Users' Group of Davis Discussion <
zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] FW: [Plone] FW: Plone Symposium June 2-9
+1 for demos/screen casts before nuts/bolts
Post by Steve McMahon
Hi Trish,
It could probably be any time after the symposium (sprints end June
9). Thursday and Friday noons are often busy. Other than that, I'm usually
Some diazo demos would be great! In fact, maybe we should start with
those, then move to nuts and bolts.
Post by Ang, Trish
Hi Steve!
That's a great idea. Let me know any date you want to hold that
(ideally Tuesday or Thursday?), and we'll find a spot on campus for you. :)
Additionally, we've been using a few UC Davis style themes with Diazo
on some new websites, and can run through a demo of that afterwards if it's
From: Steve McMahon <steve at dcn.org>
Reply-To: Zope/Plone Discussion <
zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>
Date: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 5:43 PM
To: Zope/Plone Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] FW: [Plone] FW: Plone Symposium June 2-9
As you might guess, I'll be there :)
By the way, I'll be giving a talk on Diazo that I'd be happy to give
*Diazo: How it works*
*Diazo is the new Plone theming tool that ships with Plone 4.2+,
with a built in theme editor in Plone 4.3.*
The purpose of this talk is not to get into the guts of Diazo,
plone.app.theming or XSLT. Rather, it's to help the audience build a good
mental model of the steps Diazo uses to build the final page. That mental
model pays off when you need to do something like move a portion of the
content from one place to another while keeping your ruleset simple.
Post by Ang, Trish
Anyone heading to the Plone Symposium this year?
From: <Wu>, Albert <albertwu at ucla.edu>
Date: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 3:58 PM
To: "plone at lists.ucla.edu" <plone at lists.ucla.edu>
Subject: [Plone] FW: Plone Symposium June 2-9
FYI. The Plone Symposium has a new location this year.
In addition to the usual Plone sessions, UCLA will be presenting
with Six Feet Up a new Plone content syndication product UCLA is releasing
into open source. If your schedule permits, please plan to join us in
*Albert Wu*
*Senior Director*
*Information Management Services*
*UCLA IT Services*
*albertwu at ucla.edu*
*+1 310 825 1933*
From: UW Oshkosh <llce at uwosh.edu>
Reply-To: "llce at uwosh.edu" <llce at uwosh.edu>
Date: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 7:40 AM
To: Albert Wu <albertwu at ucla.edu>
Subject: Plone Symposium June 2-9
<http://s.rs6.net/t?e=ANPdNDxi1Qc&c=4&r=1> <http://s.rs6.net/t?e=ANPdNDxi1Qc&c=5&r=1> <http://myemail.constantcontact.com/.html?soid=1102200732159&aid=ANPdNDxi1Qc#fblike>
*Registrations are coming in. Reserve your spot at the
Plone Symposium Midwest!*
In addition to two days of keynotes and talks (June 5-6), the Midwest
Plone Symposium also offers three days of training<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRV8FX-KykHSVivnJJSUfEBF_qhavd2Sv4N8kHbUxK6LJpL8whX_sYa7RjM-JmxB3tqhHeCtl4OL0dbXzKzZqN52hgo4tn51DU-rCBX1DgCp6z3Ik6suuMi5TOIg5RSSwB4=>before the conference and three
days of sprints<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRX7crXLMYw9w27EG2Wq8aPNoN9xGmGV-gpIulmAjoofYMD4RGqKtgKRhljmXSDVw3wK0rj8olCnGVzPU2nKXqH2Qhr74IFiNEgrftYdCfjik1e1BbFkjQrc6kbYkBwXcso=>after!
*Training topics include:*
- Fundamentals of Python
- Plone 4 Theming
- Creating Plone Content Types with Dexterity
- Power up your Plone Development
- Plone 101
- Leading through Change
The trainers this year are true experts in their fields. Trainings
are engaging experiences that allow you to learn in an instructional
This year's symposium offers something for everyone. Visit our website
for keynote and talk descriptions<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRWv-KiiSDNj1e20M2s3mXW_F-fn7S3e1Ut3V7HURyILBHPc7IzFNeOfJ87yzhPizIgSXKouLOHfYvgD5U_g7U2QDsO62KmmGeGCqJz9WVcmwqSgd6rhMFdE>and to register online.
Register online today >><http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRVykuiEumWiHUxA0PpXmfFDEB6phWwPAXNtgkPgvcX1tnTRq3GzAuVzPPDN6zh_HkHJVMcPnl3T4DjLh1bUxxHAZRrkgxnFEMUIp0_t_NLYFzYEUdY3aPKxdivdkIwx7aolLYJukImpOdtsEKkP6BoDZKxeWLLT_oI=>
The registration fee is $275.
Registration includes the June 5-6 Symposium and optional sprints
(June 7, 8 and 9).
Training session registration is handled by the individual trainer. Visit
the training page for more information<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRV8FX-KykHSVivnJJSUfEBF_qhavd2Sv4N8kHbUxK6LJpL8whX_sYa7RjM-JmxB3tqhHeCtl4OL0dbXzKzZqN52hgo4tn51DU-rCBX1DgCp6z3Ik6suuMi5TOIg5RSSwB4=>
Stay connected to Plone Symposium Midwest, and get the latest news!
Join us on Facebook]<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRVTKx304JNIZoFJuCfzPkwhLmlIQ9Rj1u5fQ6EQzGOEzghchHAxcJEoGo10GExjfrYfuDaBTXGOa8XkGfxZx_vgUNekkjPw4e-nJfoOq9g7DcNN5XPvazH2RPgLZFSu-I_SzBhha4fOTg==>
You can also join our mailing list<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRUZOVApbhQlnIgk7duSOeW98ozCS_e25qWg01Trvjkm0MJAdidQ02kdABEturmtHNpE8FKiQ-JAbXxVVw9XMzc8EedjZib0R1ctPfseht3f8gdcoXv90DphjM7-lkw3zKqFBvxj9p6SYDnAg3vqdTbKAvLX5bYAC7Dtt-gh5nrPsA==>!
Forward this email<http://ui.constantcontact.com/sa/fwtf.jsp?llr=4p5qeqcab&m=1102200732159&ea=albertwu%40ucla.edu&a=1113235160940>
This email was sent to albertwu at ucla.edu by llce at uwosh.edu |
Update Profile/Email Address<http://visitor.constantcontact.com/do?p=oo&mse=001tAx93SxsVPcCPNqI4Ha0_ovnzxqByF9qWitPwhQrBrk%3D&t=001CA3CzfnS7EKTZSnuiT1n8A%3D%3D&llr=4p5qeqcab>
| Instant removal with SafeUnsubscribe<http://visitor.constantcontact.com/do?p=un&mse=001tAx93SxsVPcCPNqI4Ha0_ovnzxqByF9qWitPwhQrBrk%3D&t=001CA3CzfnS7EKTZSnuiT1n8A%3D%3D&llr=4p5qeqcab>?
| Privacy Policy<http://ui.constantcontact.com/roving/CCPrivacyPolicy.jsp>
University of Wisconsin Oshkosh | 800 Algoma Blvd | Oshkosh | WI | 54901
ZUGOD-Discuss mailing list
ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us
ZUGOD-Discuss mailing list
ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us
ZUGOD-Discuss mailing list
ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us
ZUGOD-Discuss mailing list
ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us
ZUGOD-Discuss mailing list
ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us
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Carol McMasters-Stone
2013-05-02 23:50:48 UTC
Jeremy and I are both available! :-)


From: Steve McMahon <steve at dcn.org<mailto:steve at dcn.org>>
Reply-To: Zope/Plone Users' Group of Davis Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Date: Thursday, May 2, 2013 4:13 PM
To: Zope/Plone Users' Group of Davis Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] FW: [Plone] FW: Plone Symposium June 2-9

Works for me!

On Thu, May 2, 2013 at 3:12 PM, Ang, Trish <pgang at ucdavis.edu<mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu>> wrote:
Doh! How does June 25th work for everyone?

From: Carol McMasters-Stone <cbeck at ucdavis.edu<mailto:cbeck at ucdavis.edu>>
Reply-To: Zope/Plone Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Date: Thursday, May 2, 2013 3:02 PM

To: Zope/Plone Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] FW: [Plone] FW: Plone Symposium June 2-9

Jeremy and I are both out of town the week of the 11th. We'll be back the following week, but 7/18 and 7/19 are the IT Security Symposium on campus. I think we're both attending that.


From: Steve McMahon <steve at dcn.org<mailto:steve at dcn.org>>
Reply-To: Zope/Plone Users' Group of Davis Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Date: Thursday, May 2, 2013 2:56 PM
To: Zope/Plone Users' Group of Davis Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] FW: [Plone] FW: Plone Symposium June 2-9

June 11 would be fine. This will be fun!

On Thu, May 2, 2013 at 10:45 AM, Ang, Trish <pgang at ucdavis.edu<mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu>> wrote:
No way, Carol! If anything, your themes are probably more reliable / less buggy. ;)

Great, thanks Steve! How about Tuesday June 11, or if that's too soon after your trip, June 18? Would a 12:00pm meeting work for folks?

From: Carol McMasters-Stone <cbeck at ucdavis.edu<mailto:cbeck at ucdavis.edu>>
Reply-To: Zope/Plone Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Date: Wednesday, May 1, 2013 1:17 PM

To: Zope/Plone Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] FW: [Plone] FW: Plone Symposium June 2-9

I have working themes, too. Altho Trish's are probably prettier than mine ;-)


From: matthew lange <mateolan at gmail.com<mailto:mateolan at gmail.com>>
Reply-To: Zope/Plone Users' Group of Davis Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Date: Wednesday, May 1, 2013 1:10 PM
To: Zope/Plone Users' Group of Davis Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] FW: [Plone] FW: Plone Symposium June 2-9

+1 for demos/screen casts before nuts/bolts

On Wed, May 1, 2013 at 12:57 PM, Steve McMahon <steve at dcn.org<mailto:steve at dcn.org>> wrote:
Hi Trish,

It could probably be any time after the symposium (sprints end June 9). Thursday and Friday noons are often busy. Other than that, I'm usually flexible.

Some diazo demos would be great! In fact, maybe we should start with those, then move to nuts and bolts.


On Wed, May 1, 2013 at 12:13 PM, Ang, Trish <pgang at ucdavis.edu<mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu>> wrote:
Hi Steve!

That's a great idea. Let me know any date you want to hold that (ideally Tuesday or Thursday?), and we'll find a spot on campus for you. :)

Additionally, we've been using a few UC Davis style themes with Diazo on some new websites, and can run through a demo of that afterwards if it's useful.


From: Steve McMahon <steve at dcn.org<mailto:steve at dcn.org>>
Reply-To: Zope/Plone Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Date: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 5:43 PM
To: Zope/Plone Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] FW: [Plone] FW: Plone Symposium June 2-9

As you might guess, I'll be there :)

By the way, I'll be giving a talk on Diazo that I'd be happy to give to local folks, if you're interested, some time after the symposium:

Diazo: How it works

Diazo is the new Plone theming tool that ships with Plone 4.2+, with a built in theme editor in Plone 4.3.

The purpose of this talk is not to get into the guts of Diazo, plone.app.theming or XSLT. Rather, it's to help the audience build a good mental model of the steps Diazo uses to build the final page. That mental model pays off when you need to do something like move a portion of the content from one place to another while keeping your ruleset simple.

On Tue, Apr 30, 2013 at 4:05 PM, Ang, Trish <pgang at ucdavis.edu<mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu>> wrote:
Anyone heading to the Plone Symposium this year?

From: <Wu>, Albert <albertwu at ucla.edu<mailto:albertwu at ucla.edu>>
Date: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 3:58 PM
To: "plone at lists.ucla.edu<mailto:plone at lists.ucla.edu>" <plone at lists.ucla.edu<mailto:plone at lists.ucla.edu>>
Subject: [Plone] FW: Plone Symposium June 2-9

FYI. The Plone Symposium has a new location this year.

In addition to the usual Plone sessions, UCLA will be presenting with Six Feet Up a new Plone content syndication product UCLA is releasing into open source. If your schedule permits, please plan to join us in Oshkosh.

Albert Wu
Senior Director
Information Management Services
UCLA IT Services
albertwu at ucla.edu<mailto:albertwu at ucla.edu>
+1 310 825 1933<tel:%2B1%20310%20825%201933>

From: UW Oshkosh <llce at uwosh.edu<mailto:llce at uwosh.edu>>
Reply-To: "llce at uwosh.edu<mailto:llce at uwosh.edu>" <llce at uwosh.edu<mailto:llce at uwosh.edu>>
Date: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 7:40 AM
To: Albert Wu <albertwu at ucla.edu<mailto:albertwu at ucla.edu>>
Subject: Plone Symposium June 2-9

[X] [X] <http://s.rs6.net/t?e=ANPdNDxi1Qc&c=1&r=1> [X] <http://s.rs6.net/t?e=ANPdNDxi1Qc&c=3&r=1> [X] <http://s.rs6.net/t?e=ANPdNDxi1Qc&c=4&r=1> [X] [X] <http://s.rs6.net/t?e=ANPdNDxi1Qc&c=5&r=1> [X] [X] <http://myemail.constantcontact.com/.html?soid=1102200732159&aid=ANPdNDxi1Qc#fblike>


Registrations are coming in. Reserve your spot at the Plone Symposium Midwest!

In addition to two days of keynotes and talks (June 5-6), the Midwest Plone Symposium also offers three days of training<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRV8FX-KykHSVivnJJSUfEBF_qhavd2Sv4N8kHbUxK6LJpL8whX_sYa7RjM-JmxB3tqhHeCtl4OL0dbXzKzZqN52hgo4tn51DU-rCBX1DgCp6z3Ik6suuMi5TOIg5RSSwB4=> before the conference and three days of sprints<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRX7crXLMYw9w27EG2Wq8aPNoN9xGmGV-gpIulmAjoofYMD4RGqKtgKRhljmXSDVw3wK0rj8olCnGVzPU2nKXqH2Qhr74IFiNEgrftYdCfjik1e1BbFkjQrc6kbYkBwXcso=> after!

Training topics include:

* Fundamentals of Python
* Plone 4 Theming
* Creating Plone Content Types with Dexterity
* Power up your Plone Development
* Plone 101
* Leading through Change

The trainers this year are true experts in their fields. Trainings are engaging experiences that allow you to learn in an instructional setting.

This year's symposium offers something for everyone. Visit our website for keynote and talk descriptions<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRWv-KiiSDNj1e20M2s3mXW_F-fn7S3e1Ut3V7HURyILBHPc7IzFNeOfJ87yzhPizIgSXKouLOHfYvgD5U_g7U2QDsO62KmmGeGCqJz9WVcmwqSgd6rhMFdE> and to register online.

Register online today >><http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRVykuiEumWiHUxA0PpXmfFDEB6phWwPAXNtgkPgvcX1tnTRq3GzAuVzPPDN6zh_HkHJVMcPnl3T4DjLh1bUxxHAZRrkgxnFEMUIp0_t_NLYFzYEUdY3aPKxdivdkIwx7aolLYJukImpOdtsEKkP6BoDZKxeWLLT_oI=>

The registration fee is $275.

Registration includes the June 5-6 Symposium and optional sprints (June 7, 8 and 9).

Training session registration is handled by the individual trainer. Visit the training page for more information<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRV8FX-KykHSVivnJJSUfEBF_qhavd2Sv4N8kHbUxK6LJpL8whX_sYa7RjM-JmxB3tqhHeCtl4OL0dbXzKzZqN52hgo4tn51DU-rCBX1DgCp6z3Ik6suuMi5TOIg5RSSwB4=>.

Stay connected to Plone Symposium Midwest, and get the latest news!
[LLCE twitter icon 128]<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRUjlLNmbSiImccXL9uO-x0-E89Wa9_cxQFIaGtjTkss404vyPH4uvon66tsRNUTULwv4CMe9SJBZS46ugafZ3meBKmFPRiQe4qgpPwz8mXVAsjFix2B7YjS>[Join us on Facebook]<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRVTKx304JNIZoFJuCfzPkwhLmlIQ9Rj1u5fQ6EQzGOEzghchHAxcJEoGo10GExjfrYfuDaBTXGOa8XkGfxZx_vgUNekkjPw4e-nJfoOq9g7DcNN5XPvazH2RPgLZFSu-I_SzBhha4fOTg==>

You can also join our mailing list<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRUZOVApbhQlnIgk7duSOeW98ozCS_e25qWg01Trvjkm0MJAdidQ02kdABEturmtHNpE8FKiQ-JAbXxVVw9XMzc8EedjZib0R1ctPfseht3f8gdcoXv90DphjM7-lkw3zKqFBvxj9p6SYDnAg3vqdTbKAvLX5bYAC7Dtt-gh5nrPsA==>!

Forward this email<http://ui.constantcontact.com/sa/fwtf.jsp?llr=4p5qeqcab&m=1102200732159&ea=albertwu%40ucla.edu&a=1113235160940>
[X]<http://visitor.constantcontact.com/do?p=un&mse=001tAx93SxsVPcCPNqI4Ha0_ovnzxqByF9qWitPwhQrBrk%3D&t=001CA3CzfnS7EKTZSnuiT1n8A%3D%3D&llr=4p5qeqcab> [X] <http://www.constantcontact.com/index.jsp?cc=TEM_Hisp_232>
This email was sent to albertwu at ucla.edu<mailto:albertwu at ucla.edu> by llce at uwosh.edu<mailto:llce at uwosh.edu> |
Update Profile/Email Address<http://visitor.constantcontact.com/do?p=oo&mse=001tAx93SxsVPcCPNqI4Ha0_ovnzxqByF9qWitPwhQrBrk%3D&t=001CA3CzfnS7EKTZSnuiT1n8A%3D%3D&llr=4p5qeqcab>| Instant removal with SafeUnsubscribe<http://visitor.constantcontact.com/do?p=un&mse=001tAx93SxsVPcCPNqI4Ha0_ovnzxqByF9qWitPwhQrBrk%3D&t=001CA3CzfnS7EKTZSnuiT1n8A%3D%3D&llr=4p5qeqcab>? | Privacy Policy<http://ui.constantcontact.com/roving/CCPrivacyPolicy.jsp>.

University of Wisconsin Oshkosh | 800 Algoma Blvd | Oshkosh | WI | 54901

ZUGOD-Discuss mailing list
ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>

ZUGOD-Discuss mailing list
ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>

ZUGOD-Discuss mailing list
ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>

ZUGOD-Discuss mailing list
ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>

ZUGOD-Discuss mailing list
ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:ZUGOD-Discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>

-------------- next part --------------
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Ang, Trish
2013-05-07 22:52:23 UTC
Okay! I'm in the works of securing a room, but it will tentatively be June 25 at 11am. :)

See you all then!

From: Carol McMasters-Stone <cbeck at ucdavis.edu<mailto:cbeck at ucdavis.edu>>
Reply-To: Zope/Plone Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Date: Thursday, May 2, 2013 4:50 PM
To: Zope/Plone Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] FW: [Plone] FW: Plone Symposium June 2-9

Jeremy and I are both available! :-)


From: Steve McMahon <steve at dcn.org<mailto:steve at dcn.org>>
Reply-To: Zope/Plone Users' Group of Davis Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Date: Thursday, May 2, 2013 4:13 PM
To: Zope/Plone Users' Group of Davis Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] FW: [Plone] FW: Plone Symposium June 2-9

Works for me!

On Thu, May 2, 2013 at 3:12 PM, Ang, Trish <pgang at ucdavis.edu<mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu>> wrote:
Doh! How does June 25th work for everyone?

From: Carol McMasters-Stone <cbeck at ucdavis.edu<mailto:cbeck at ucdavis.edu>>
Reply-To: Zope/Plone Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Date: Thursday, May 2, 2013 3:02 PM

To: Zope/Plone Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] FW: [Plone] FW: Plone Symposium June 2-9

Jeremy and I are both out of town the week of the 11th. We'll be back the following week, but 7/18 and 7/19 are the IT Security Symposium on campus. I think we're both attending that.


From: Steve McMahon <steve at dcn.org<mailto:steve at dcn.org>>
Reply-To: Zope/Plone Users' Group of Davis Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Date: Thursday, May 2, 2013 2:56 PM
To: Zope/Plone Users' Group of Davis Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] FW: [Plone] FW: Plone Symposium June 2-9

June 11 would be fine. This will be fun!

On Thu, May 2, 2013 at 10:45 AM, Ang, Trish <pgang at ucdavis.edu<mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu>> wrote:
No way, Carol! If anything, your themes are probably more reliable / less buggy. ;)

Great, thanks Steve! How about Tuesday June 11, or if that's too soon after your trip, June 18? Would a 12:00pm meeting work for folks?

From: Carol McMasters-Stone <cbeck at ucdavis.edu<mailto:cbeck at ucdavis.edu>>
Reply-To: Zope/Plone Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Date: Wednesday, May 1, 2013 1:17 PM

To: Zope/Plone Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] FW: [Plone] FW: Plone Symposium June 2-9

I have working themes, too. Altho Trish's are probably prettier than mine ;-)


From: matthew lange <mateolan at gmail.com<mailto:mateolan at gmail.com>>
Reply-To: Zope/Plone Users' Group of Davis Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Date: Wednesday, May 1, 2013 1:10 PM
To: Zope/Plone Users' Group of Davis Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] FW: [Plone] FW: Plone Symposium June 2-9

+1 for demos/screen casts before nuts/bolts

On Wed, May 1, 2013 at 12:57 PM, Steve McMahon <steve at dcn.org<mailto:steve at dcn.org>> wrote:
Hi Trish,

It could probably be any time after the symposium (sprints end June 9). Thursday and Friday noons are often busy. Other than that, I'm usually flexible.

Some diazo demos would be great! In fact, maybe we should start with those, then move to nuts and bolts.


On Wed, May 1, 2013 at 12:13 PM, Ang, Trish <pgang at ucdavis.edu<mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu>> wrote:
Hi Steve!

That's a great idea. Let me know any date you want to hold that (ideally Tuesday or Thursday?), and we'll find a spot on campus for you. :)

Additionally, we've been using a few UC Davis style themes with Diazo on some new websites, and can run through a demo of that afterwards if it's useful.


From: Steve McMahon <steve at dcn.org<mailto:steve at dcn.org>>
Reply-To: Zope/Plone Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Date: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 5:43 PM
To: Zope/Plone Discussion <zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<mailto:zugod-discuss at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>>
Subject: Re: [PloneDavis-Discuss] FW: [Plone] FW: Plone Symposium June 2-9

As you might guess, I'll be there :)

By the way, I'll be giving a talk on Diazo that I'd be happy to give to local folks, if you're interested, some time after the symposium:

Diazo: How it works

Diazo is the new Plone theming tool that ships with Plone 4.2+, with a built in theme editor in Plone 4.3.

The purpose of this talk is not to get into the guts of Diazo, plone.app.theming or XSLT. Rather, it's to help the audience build a good mental model of the steps Diazo uses to build the final page. That mental model pays off when you need to do something like move a portion of the content from one place to another while keeping your ruleset simple.

On Tue, Apr 30, 2013 at 4:05 PM, Ang, Trish <pgang at ucdavis.edu<mailto:pgang at ucdavis.edu>> wrote:
Anyone heading to the Plone Symposium this year?

From: <Wu>, Albert <albertwu at ucla.edu<mailto:albertwu at ucla.edu>>
Date: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 3:58 PM
To: "plone at lists.ucla.edu<mailto:plone at lists.ucla.edu>" <plone at lists.ucla.edu<mailto:plone at lists.ucla.edu>>
Subject: [Plone] FW: Plone Symposium June 2-9

FYI. The Plone Symposium has a new location this year.

In addition to the usual Plone sessions, UCLA will be presenting with Six Feet Up a new Plone content syndication product UCLA is releasing into open source. If your schedule permits, please plan to join us in Oshkosh.

Albert Wu
Senior Director
Information Management Services
UCLA IT Services
albertwu at ucla.edu<mailto:albertwu at ucla.edu>
+1 310 825 1933<tel:%2B1%20310%20825%201933>

From: UW Oshkosh <llce at uwosh.edu<mailto:llce at uwosh.edu>>
Reply-To: "llce at uwosh.edu<mailto:llce at uwosh.edu>" <llce at uwosh.edu<mailto:llce at uwosh.edu>>
Date: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 7:40 AM
To: Albert Wu <albertwu at ucla.edu<mailto:albertwu at ucla.edu>>
Subject: Plone Symposium June 2-9

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Registrations are coming in. Reserve your spot at the Plone Symposium Midwest!

In addition to two days of keynotes and talks (June 5-6), the Midwest Plone Symposium also offers three days of training<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRV8FX-KykHSVivnJJSUfEBF_qhavd2Sv4N8kHbUxK6LJpL8whX_sYa7RjM-JmxB3tqhHeCtl4OL0dbXzKzZqN52hgo4tn51DU-rCBX1DgCp6z3Ik6suuMi5TOIg5RSSwB4=> before the conference and three days of sprints<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRX7crXLMYw9w27EG2Wq8aPNoN9xGmGV-gpIulmAjoofYMD4RGqKtgKRhljmXSDVw3wK0rj8olCnGVzPU2nKXqH2Qhr74IFiNEgrftYdCfjik1e1BbFkjQrc6kbYkBwXcso=> after!

Training topics include:

* Fundamentals of Python
* Plone 4 Theming
* Creating Plone Content Types with Dexterity
* Power up your Plone Development
* Plone 101
* Leading through Change

The trainers this year are true experts in their fields. Trainings are engaging experiences that allow you to learn in an instructional setting.

This year's symposium offers something for everyone. Visit our website for keynote and talk descriptions<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRWv-KiiSDNj1e20M2s3mXW_F-fn7S3e1Ut3V7HURyILBHPc7IzFNeOfJ87yzhPizIgSXKouLOHfYvgD5U_g7U2QDsO62KmmGeGCqJz9WVcmwqSgd6rhMFdE> and to register online.

Register online today >><http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRVykuiEumWiHUxA0PpXmfFDEB6phWwPAXNtgkPgvcX1tnTRq3GzAuVzPPDN6zh_HkHJVMcPnl3T4DjLh1bUxxHAZRrkgxnFEMUIp0_t_NLYFzYEUdY3aPKxdivdkIwx7aolLYJukImpOdtsEKkP6BoDZKxeWLLT_oI=>

The registration fee is $275.

Registration includes the June 5-6 Symposium and optional sprints (June 7, 8 and 9).

Training session registration is handled by the individual trainer. Visit the training page for more information<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRV8FX-KykHSVivnJJSUfEBF_qhavd2Sv4N8kHbUxK6LJpL8whX_sYa7RjM-JmxB3tqhHeCtl4OL0dbXzKzZqN52hgo4tn51DU-rCBX1DgCp6z3Ik6suuMi5TOIg5RSSwB4=>.

Stay connected to Plone Symposium Midwest, and get the latest news!
[LLCE twitter icon 128]<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRUjlLNmbSiImccXL9uO-x0-E89Wa9_cxQFIaGtjTkss404vyPH4uvon66tsRNUTULwv4CMe9SJBZS46ugafZ3meBKmFPRiQe4qgpPwz8mXVAsjFix2B7YjS>[Join us on Facebook]<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRVTKx304JNIZoFJuCfzPkwhLmlIQ9Rj1u5fQ6EQzGOEzghchHAxcJEoGo10GExjfrYfuDaBTXGOa8XkGfxZx_vgUNekkjPw4e-nJfoOq9g7DcNN5XPvazH2RPgLZFSu-I_SzBhha4fOTg==>

You can also join our mailing list<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0012cNJvC85nRUZOVApbhQlnIgk7duSOeW98ozCS_e25qWg01Trvjkm0MJAdidQ02kdABEturmtHNpE8FKiQ-JAbXxVVw9XMzc8EedjZib0R1ctPfseht3f8gdcoXv90DphjM7-lkw3zKqFBvxj9p6SYDnAg3vqdTbKAvLX5bYAC7Dtt-gh5nrPsA==>!

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